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Occult Rituals

Arcanist Spells

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F This spell has a focus component not normally included in a spell component pouch.
M This spell has a material component not normally included in a spell component pouch.
R Spell requires a requisite religion or race. If religion, spellcaster must worship the listed deity to utilize the spell. If race, the spell might only target members of the listed race (the spell will say this if it does), but often are just the race's guarded secrets. Members of other races can learn to cast them with GM permission.
T In order to prepare any of these spells, the caster must spend an hour performing a ritual in which he beseeches Torag (or a member of his family) for the aid of one of his divine family members. For 24 hours after the ritual, the caster may prepare spells of the requested deity. The caster may only attune himself to one additional deity at a time.
Y This spell has a Mythic version.


Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
Bleed: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
Breeze: Create a light wind.
Chameleon Scales: Change the color of your skin to something else.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Daze: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Detect Fiendish Presence: As detect evil, except this specifically detects outsiders with the evil subtype and their servants.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Drench: Soak the target creature or object.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Grasp: Retry a Climb check as an immediate action
Haunted Fey Aspect: You surround yourself with disturbing illusions.
Jolt: Deal 1d3 electricity with a ranged touch attack.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whisper conversation at distance.
Oath of Anonymity: Cloak yourself in an illusion that hides your true identity
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Penumbra: Keep something in the shadows.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Root: Bolster the subject’s CMD vs. trips and Acrobatics checks to remain standing.
Scoop: Use a small vessel of force to scoop up liquid or small objects.
Scrivener's Chant: Imbue a quill to rapidly transcribe words from one page to another.
Sotto Voce: Use your dry, rasping whisper to fill a creature with dread.
Spark: Ignites flammable objects.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.
Vacuous Vessel: Make a single container appear empty.


Abjuring Step: You can move slowly and safely and still cast spells, until you move quickly, make an attack, or cast a harmful spell.
Abundant Ammunition: Replaces nonmagical ammunition every round.
Adhesive Spittle: Spit a tanglefoot bag at a creature.
Air Bubble: Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object.
Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Alchemical TinkeringR: Transform an alchemical item or firearm into another similar item.
Alter Musical Instrument: Make one instrument sound like a different kind of instrument.
Alter Winds: Increase/decrease strength of natural winds.
Animate Rope: Makes a rope move at your command.
Ant Haul: Triples carrying capacity of a creature.
Anticipate PerilY: Target gains a bonus on one initiative check.
Aphasia: Prevent a target from understanding language.
Arcane Pocket: Conjure an extradimensional space inside a pouch or pocket.
Auditory Hallucination: Create a phantasm with auditory effects.
Authenticating Gaze: Gain a bonus on Appraise/Linguistics checks related to books and scrolls, along with some magical detection abilities.
Bed of Iron: Allow the enchanted to sleep comfortably in medium or heavy armor.
Bestow Planar Infusion I: Grant the target the effects of a planar infusion
BlendR: Change the color of yourself to match your surroundings and gain a bonus to Stealth.
Blend with Surroundings: Change the appearance of a creature to better blend in with its surroundings.
Blood Money: Use your own blood in order to create valuable material components.
Blurred Movement: As blur, but only while you are moving.
Body Capacitance: Store electricity attacks used against you and release the energy as a touch attack.
Bouncy Body: Transmute the subject’s flesh into rubber, helping to protect against falls and grapples.
BreakY: Gives an object the broken condition.
Brightest Night: Grant improved low-light vision to several creatures
Bungle: Target takes a -20 penalty on its next attack roll or check.
Burning Disarm: Make a metal item become red hot, forcing those holding it to drop it or risk searing their hand.
Burning HandsY: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Burning Sands: Create a field of hot sand that creates difficult terrain and minor fire damage
Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Celestial Healing: Grant fast healing 1 for 1 round/2 levels.
Charm Fey: As charm person, but targets fey
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.
Chastise: +5 bonus to convince a target to do what you want or get in trouble with their superiors.
Chill Touch: One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
Clarion Call: Make yourself heard over great distances.
Cloak of Secrets: Filter speech from a given area to sound like a different conversation.
Coin Shot: Turn coins into deadly projectiles.
Color SprayY: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
Comprehend Languages: You understand all languages.
Corrosive Touch: Touch attack deals 1d4 acid/level.
Coward's Cowl: Enhance a target’s defensive instincts.
Crafter's Curse: Subject takes –5 on Craft skill checks.
Crafter's Fortune: Subject gains +5 on next Craft check.
Cultural Adaptation: Adapt to fit the local cultural
Cultural Adaptation (Taldan): Better impersonate the member of a specific culture.
Damp Powder: Ruins ammunition loaded in the targeted firearm.
Dancing Darkness: Create four spheres of floating darkness.
Dancing Lantern: Animates a lantern that follows you.
Darting Duplicate: Summon a duplicate of yourself to provoke enemy attacks of opportunity.
Dazzling Blade: Make a weapon appear dazzingly shiny, making it easier to disarm and feint in combat.
Decompose Corpse: Turn a corpse into a clean skeleton.
Decrepit Disguise: Make an object seem worthless.
Deja Vu: Make a creature repeat its actions.
Delusional Pride: Target is penalized on attacks and checks but gains bonus against charms and compulsions.
DepilateR: Creature takes -2 penalty to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform for 1 week
Desperate Weapon: Create an improvised weapon.
Detect Charm: Detect charm, compulsion, and possession effects in the area
Detect Metal: Detect metal objects or creatures.
Detect Radiation: Detect radiation in the surrounding area.
Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
Discern Next of Kin: Read the target’s mind to learn about its family.
Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.
Disguise Weapon: Changes one weapon’s appearance.
Ear-Piercing ScreamY: Deal sonic damage and daze target.
Ears of the City: The target of this spell sees and hears a stream of past scenes and pieces of conversations related to local people and events.
Emblazon Crest: Display your crest on anything you carry.
Endothermic Touch: Stagger a creature and reduce their speed by half, but increase the time they can hold their breath.
Endure ElementsY: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.
Enlarge PersonY: Humanoid creature doubles in size.
Enlarge Tail: Increase the reach and power of your tail.
Erase: Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
Expeditious Construction: Create a low wall or other simple structure of packed earth or stone.
Expeditious Excavation: Moves 5-ft. cubes of earth.
Expeditious RetreatY: Your base land speed increases by 30 ft.
Fabricate BulletsM: Converts 1 pound of metal into ammunition.
Fabricate Disguise: Create a disguise in an instant.
Face of the DevourerR: Horribly mutate the target’s face, disfiguring it while granting it a natural attack.
False Face: Polymorph into a disguised identity
Fastidiousness: Keep yourself and your equipment clean and dry
Feather FallY: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Ferment: Affected liquid becomes alcoholic
Flare Burst: As flare, but affects all creatures in 10 ft.
Floating DiskY: Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lbs./level.
Fool's Gold (VC): Disguise copper pieces or silver pieces as gold pieces
Forced Quiet: Target cannot make loud noises.
FumblestepR: Target takes -1 penalty to Reflex and Acrobatics, discharge to perform a trip combat maneuver.
Gentle Breeze: Light wind protects one target from clouds, gases, heat, and vapors.
Glue Seal: Makes one 5-ft. square or one object sticky.
Grappling Scarf: Enchanted scarf functions as grappling hook with 100 ft of rope
Grasping CorpseM: Cause a corpse to grab or trip a foe
Gravity Bow: Arrows do damage as though one size category bigger.
GreaseY: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
Guardian Armor: Teleport your armor onto an ally in range
Handy Grapnel: Transform a ropelike object into a retracting grapple.
Heightened Awareness: Your recall and ability to process information improve.
Hide Bruises: Disguise a creature's injuries, making them more difficult to heal
Hide Weapon: Hide a weapon within your own arm.
Hobble: Reduce creature's speed
Hold PortalY: Holds door shut.
Hydraulic PushY: Wave of water bull rushes an enemy.
Hypnotism: Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Icicle Dagger: Masterwork ice dagger deals +1 cold damage.
Identify: Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items.
Illusion of Calm: You appear to be standing still, even when you take some actions.
Implant Urge: Implant a subconscious goal into a creature
Incendiary Runes: As explosive runes, except it creates a small surge of flames instead of an explosion of force.
Incessant Buzzing: Summon illusory wasps to distract creatures
Infernal Healing: Give someone fast healing 1 for a minute, at the cost of a temporary evil alignment.
Instant Portrait: Create a portrait of a creature on the touched surface
Interrogation: Target answers questions or suffers pain.
Invisibility Alarm: As alarm, but reacting only to invisible creatures.
Itching Curse: Creature takes -1 penalty to attack, saves, skill checks, and ability checks
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Jury-Rig: Removes the broken condition from the targeted object.
Keep Watch: Allow creatures to stand watch without fatigue throughout the night.
Keyhole: Create a keyhole in any door or enlarge an existing keyhole
Ki Arrow: Arrow deals damage as your unarmed strike.
Kreighton's Perusal: Gain a brief understanding from a book as if you had read it for 1 hour.
Liberating Command: Target makes an Escape Artist check as an immediate action and gains a bonus on it.
Lighten ObjectR: Decrease the target’s weight by half or reduce the armor check penalty of armor.
Line in the Sand: Increase your attacks of opportunity per round.
Linked Legacy: Share information with all targets of the spell in the blink of an eye.
Lock Gaze: Compels the target to look only at you for the duration of the spell.
Locksight: Determine from a distance the quality of a lock and whether it is open, closed, or jammed.
Long Arm: Your arms lengthen, giving you extra reach.
Longshot: Grants a +10-foot bonus to the range increment for any ranged weapon fired.
Lose the TrailR: Obscure a target’s tracks when fleeing from a pursuer.
Lucky Number: Tweak tiny variables in a creature’s immediate future.
Mage ArmorY: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Magic Aura: Alters object's magic aura.
Magic MissileY: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Marid's MasteryR: Target gains bonus to attack/damage when combat is in water, penalty if on land.
Memorize Page: Target perfectly memorizes one page of information.
Memory LapseY: Subject forgets events back to last turn.
Mindlink: Communicate a great deal of information in an instant.
Mirror Mantis: Creature sees an looming assassin whenever they see their reflection in a mirror
Mirror Polish: Polish a metal item until it’s usable as a mirror.
Mirror Strike: You may strike multiple opponents with a single attack.
Moment of Greatness: Doubles a morale bonus.
Monkey Fish: Gain a climb speed and a swim speed of 10 ft. for a time.
Mount: Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
MudballR: Throw a ball of mud to blind your enemy.
Murderous CrowR: Conjure a supernaturally vicious and clever crow to watch over you.
Negative Reaction: Targeted creature may not positively influence anyone.
Night Blindness: Impair target’s vision as if it were darker.
Obscure PoisonM: Make it harder to detect a poison or venomous creature.
Obscuring MistY: Fog surrounds you.
Open and Shut: Obfuscate whether a door is open or closed.
Pattern Recognition: Gain an insight bonus on Search checks and Survival checks to follow tracks.
Peace Bond: Create a glowing rune of peace to protect targets from your own magic.
Peacebond: Locks a weapon in place on the target's body.
Peasant ArmamentsR: Transform improvised weapons into actual weapons.
Pesh VigorM: Increase target’s strength with consumption of pesh.
Phantom Blood: Gain temporary hp if Con loss would knock you out or kill you.
Pierce Facade: Gain a +5 insight bonus to Perception to see through disguises
Planar Orientation: Locate places of power on your current plane
Poisoned EggR: Transform a single egg into a dose of poison.
Polypurpose Panacea: Gain a relaxing or entertaining effect.
Positive Pulse: Energy harms undead or bolsters the living
Preserve: Prevent objects from rotting and spoiling
Protection from ChaosY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from EvilY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from GoodY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from LawY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Punishing Armor: Coat yourself with a thin layer of energy that turns back nonlethal damage on your attacker.
Quintessence: Mask any flaws of or damage to a creature or object.
Ray of EnfeeblementY: Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.
Ray of Sickening: Ray makes subject sickened.
Recharge Innate MagicR: Regain a use of all 0-level and 1st-level spell-like abilities.
Reduce PersonY: Humanoid creature halves in size.
Refine Improvised Weapon: Transform improvised weapon into a masterwork simple or martial weapon.
Reinforce Armaments: Temporarily mitigates the fragile quality in targeted weapon or armor.
Repair Undead: Heals one undead of 1d8 hp + 1/level (max +5).
Restore Corpse: Skeletal corpse grows flesh.
Reveal Secrets: Target reveals if it has secret knowledge of a topic
Rite of Centered MindM: +1 to saves vs mind-affecting effects for 24 hours, discharge to reroll a failed save vs a mind-affecting effect.
Rune TraceM: Learn information about a magical rune without triggering it
Sculpt Corpse: Makes corpse look like another creature.
Sculpted Cape: Enchanted cape stiffens and can bear weight
Secluded Grimoire: Safeguard your spellbook on the Ethereal Plane
See Alignment: Pick an alignment; in your sight, creatures and items with that alignment emit a ghostly radiance.
Serren's Swift Girding: Immediately clad a number of targets in armor.
Shadow Trap: Pin someone’s target, causing them to become stuck.
Shadow WeaponY: Create a quasi-real masterwork weapon.
Shadowfade: Become invisibile to creatures using darkvision
Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
Shield Companion (AA)F: As shield other, but affects the caster’s animal companion or familiar.
Shield Speech: Speak freely to one creature within 10 feet without being overheard.
Shock Shield: A shield of force protects you until you dismiss it in an explosion of electricity.
Shocking GraspY: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
Silent ImageY: Creates minor illusion of your design.
Skim: Read four times faster than normal
Skin TagM: Curse food or drink to gain afamilar connection to the creature
SleepY: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Snapdragon Fireworks: Create 1 dragon firework/level.
Snowball: Throw a conjured ball of snow at a target
Songbird: Conjure music from a good-aligned plane
Sow ThoughtR: Plant an idea in the mind of the subject.
Speak Local Language: Target gains the ability to speak and understand a regional human language.
Speechreader's Sight: Read lips from a distance
Spirit Share: Grant beneficial liquids with a touch
Starsight: Observe the night sky as if it were a clear and unobstructed night.
Stone Fist: Your unarmed strikes are lethal.
Stone ShieldR: Summon a thick stone slab from the ground to shield you from attacks.
Strong WingsR: Enhance the target’s wings, giving them greater fly speed and maneuverability.
Stumble GapF: Small hole trips creatures.
Stunning Barrier: Magical field grants a +1 bonus to AC and on saves, and stuns one creature attacking you.
Summon Minor Monster: Summon 1d3 Tiny animals.
Summon Monster 1: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Sunder Breaker: The next weapon that sunders an item belonging to the target takes damage.
Sundering Shards: Sundered item explodes, dealing 1d6 damage to adjacent creatures.
Sure Casting: Treat your CL as 5 higher for the purposes of bypassing SR with the next spell you cast
Technomancy: As detect magic, except detecting the presence of technological objects.
Theft WardRY: Gain a +10 Perception bonus to notice someone trying to take a specific object from you.
Thunderstomp: Trip one creature within range.
Touch of Blindness: Coat a creature’s eyes in darkness, blinding them.
Touch of CombustionR: Cause someone to combust with a touch.
Touch of Gracelessness: Subject loses 1d6 + 1 Dex/two levels and is prone to falling down.
Touch of the Sea: Swim speed becomes 30 ft.
Transfer Tattoo: Transfer a magical tattoo from one creature to another.
Tripvine: Animate a rope/vine/etc. to trip nearby creatures.
True Skill: Gain an insight bonus equal to half your caster level on one skill check
True StrikeY: +20 on your next attack roll.
Undine's CurseR: The target loses it’s body’s natural ability to breathe automatically.
Unerring Weapon: Grants a +2 bonus, +1 per four caster levels, on attack rolls to confirm a critical hit.
Unhallowed Blows: One natural weapon or unarmed strike of subject undead gets +1 on attack and damage rolls
Unlock Flesh: Stagger a living creature or deal 1d6 damage/level to a corporeal undead
Unprepared Combatant: Target takes -4 on initiative and Reflex saves.
Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.
Unwelcome HaloR: Force a halo around a target, preventing it from hiding in the dark.
Urban GraceR: Move through crowds and urban settings with ease.
Vanish: As invisibility for 1 round/level (5 max).
Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level.
Vocal Alteration: Disguise target's voice.
Waterproof: Target becomes waterproof for the spells duration
Wave Shield: Water blunts one incoming attack or fire effect.
Weaken Powder: Targeted firearm's ammunition halves the firearm's range and imposes a –2 penalty on damage rolls.
Web BoltR: Throw a fist-sized ball of webbing at a target to ensare them.
Windy EscapeR: Briefly become insubstantial, allowing an attack to pass harmlessly through you.
Winter FeathersR: Protect a feathered creature from the cold for a day.
Wizened Appearance: Make a target appear as an older version of itself.
Youthful Appearance: Target appears younger.


Aboleth's LungR: Allow the target to breathe water at the cost of no longer being able to breathe air.
Accelerate Poison: Hastens targeted poison's onset.
Acid Arrow: Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round + 1 round/three levels.
Adhesive Blood: Attackers’ weapons stick to your gluey blood.
Admonishing Ray: Fire multiple rays that deal nonlethal force.
Adoration: You gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks and performance combat checks.
Aggressive Thundercloud: Flying storm cloud deals 3d6 electricity damage.
Air Step: Tread unsteadily on air, with limitations.
Ally Across Time: Summon a duplicate of yourself from a parallel world to aid another
Alter Self: Assume form of a Small or Medium humanoid.
Alter Summoned Monster: Swap one summoned creature with another.
Amplify Stench: Amplify your natural stench ability.
Angelic Aspect, Lesser: Gain some minor aspects of angelic creatures.
Animal AspectY: You gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal.
Ant Haul, Communal: As ant haul, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Anticipate Thoughts: Gain increasing bonuses to AC and on attack rolls and damage rolls against one creature.
Anti-Summoning Shield: Impede the use of summon spells.
Apport Object: Send or receive a small object via teleportation.
Aram Zey's FocusF: Grant the trapfinding ability or a +5 Disable Device bonus.
Arcane Disruption: Make it difficult for others to cast arcane spells.
Arcane LockM: Magically locks a portal or chest.
Arrow Eruption: Creates duplicates of killing arrow.
Ashen Path: Allow one or more creatures to ignore airborne effects and see through magical smoke and fog
Assumed Likeness: Cloak yourself in a phantasm that ellicits certain emotions from observing creatures
Aura of Distraction: Aura of psychic noise makes concentration difficult
Badger's Ferocity: Weapons are keen while you concentrate.
Beacon of Guilt: Cursed object highlights creatures that attempt to take it.
Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Bestow InsightR: Grant the target a bonus on a skill check and consider them trained.
Bestow Weapon Proficiency: Grants a creature proficiency in a single weapon for short period of time.
Billowing Skirt: Enchanted skirt slows your fall and allows you to hover
Blade Tutor's Spirit: Summon a spirit to help your more reckless attacks.
Blindness/DeafnessY: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Blood Armor: Your blood hardens when you are wounded, increasing your AC.
Blood BlazeR: Ignite the blood of those who come near you.
Blood in the Water: Enhance those with a blood frenzy.
Blood Transcription: Learn a spell from the target's blood.
Bloodbath: Cause yourself and enemies to bleed.
Bloody Tears and Jagged SmileR: Become more intimidating with black eyes that weep blood and turn your teeth into jagged fangs.
Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Body Double: Change one creature to look and act like another.
Boiling BloodY: Targets take fire damage; orcs get +2 Strength.
Bone Fists: Gain armor spikes which provide +1 natural armor and a +2 damage with natural weapons.
Boneshaker: Momentarily control a living or undead creature's skeleton.
Book Ward: Protect a book from fire, acid, and water.
Brittle PortalR: Reduce the hardness of objects within the area.
Brow Gasher: Slashing weapon deals bleed damage to an opponent's head.
Bullet Shield: You gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against firearm attacks.
Bullet WardF: Adamantine bullets intercept firearm attacks.
Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Buoyancy: Targets easily float on water.
Burning Arc (Keleshite): Fire an arc of flame from your fingers which bounces from target to target.
Burning GazeY: Inflict 1d6 fire damage to creature by looking at it.
Burst of Radiance: Fill the area with a blinding light.
Callback: Teleport a familiar or spirit animal to your side when it is injured
Carrion Compass: Animate the target undead’s organs to lead you to its most recent controller or cause of undeath.
Carry Companion: Shrink an animal or magical beast down to stone, ready to be enlarged again when summoned.
Cat's Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Celestial Companion: Give your companion protections against evil creatures
Certain Grip: You gain a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks and to CMD.
Cloud of SeasicknessR: Create a sickening cloud that mimics the effects of seasickness.
Codespeak: Speak, read, and Write a new code language.
Command Undead: Undead creature obeys your commands.
Commune with BirdsR: Ask a question to all birds within a mile of your location.
Companion Life Link: Sense whenever your companion is wounded and call out to it in a time of need.
Compassionate Ally: Target is compelled to help injured ally.
Compel Tongue: As share language, but target can only speak and write in the language imparted.
Compulsive Liar: Prevent target from speaking the truth.
Contact Entity I: Ask eldritch entities to find and converse with you
Continual FlameM: Makes a permanent, heatless light.
Corpse Lanterns: Create a sickly version of dancing lights.
Covetous Urge: Target is compelled to steal valuable objects
Crafter's Nightmare: Create a poltergeist to disrupt crafting and spellcasting
Create PitF: Creates an extradimensional pit.
Create Treasure MapM: Creates treasure map out of a creature's corpse.
Crimson Confession: Touching the marked object or area turns one’s skin red.
Curse Terrain, LesserM: Curse an area with three mild hazards
Cushioning Bands: Force bands protect against crushing.
Dark Whispers: Whisper through the shadows.
DarknessY: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Daze Monster: Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action.
Death from BelowR: Target gains dodge bonus to AC against larger creatures.
Defending BoneR: Animate a bone to float near you and block physical attacks.
Defensive Shock: Electricity damages your attackers.
Defoliate: Hurl a tiny ball of negative energy to destroy plant life.
Delay Pain: Ignore pain for 1 hour/level.
Demand Offering: Make a creature give you an object it’s holding.
Destabilize Powder: Ammunition in the targeted firearm is prone to misfire.
Detect Magic, Greater: As detect magic, but learn more information.
Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
Determine Depth: Determine the exact thickness of a wall, ceiling, or other barrier.
Diminish Resistance: Weaken a creature's resistance to one type of energy
Diminished Detection: Reduce the areas of divination spells for the purpose of targeting you
Disfiguring TouchY: Target becomes disfigured.
Disguise Other: As disguise self, but affects you or another.
Disrupt Link: Sever the target’s link with her bonded creature.
Dragonvoice: Emulate the vocal inflections of dragons.
Drain Construct: Incapacitate a construct by draining its animating force
Dress Corpse: Doctor the evidence on a corpse.
Dust of TwilightY: Black particles extinguish light sources within area.
Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.
Eldritch Conduit: Create a conduit with which you can cast area effect spells from.
Elemental Speech: Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
Elemental Touch: Gain energy damage touch attack.
Embrace Destiny: Roll a single d20 and use its result later on.
Enchantment Sight: See enchantment spells active on creatures
Endure Elements, Communal: As endure elements, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Eroding Ray: ranged touch attack deals 2d6 to construct or object, +1 ray/four levels (max 3)
Escape Alarm: As alarm, but alerts you when a creatuer leaves the area
Escaping WardR: Gain maneuverability by avoiding the attacks of larger creatures.
Euphoric CloudM: Fog obscures vision and fascinates living creatures.
Extreme Flexibility: Gain a bonus to AC, on Escape Artist checks, and when grappling.
False Age: Change to become one age category younger or older
False LifeY: Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1/level (max +10).
Familiar Figment: Create an illusory duplicate of your familiar to fool enemies.
Fear the Sun: Impose light blindness on your enemies.
Fiery Runes: Charge a weapon with magical fiery runes.
Fiery Shuriken: Calls forth several fiery projectiles ready to be flung at opponents.
Fire Breath: Exhale a cone of flame at will.
Fire Sneeze: Sneeze flame to set your enemies on fire and knock them prone.
Flaming Sphere: Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage.
Fleeting Defect: Cause a single object to become broken. Can also disrupt a construct’s animating force.
FleshcurdleY: Warp a creature's flesh, penalizing it in attack, defense, or movement.
Fleshy Facade: Alter your appearance to appear living.
Flickering Lights: Create an area of inconsistent lighting.
Flurry of Snowballs: Cone-shaped blast of snowballs deals 4d6 cold damage.
Fog CloudY: Fog obscures vision.
Fool's Gold (AA)F: Make someone who accepts one of your gold pieces more vulnerable to your magic.
Force Sword: Create a magical longsword made entirely of force.
Fox's Cunning: Subject gains +4 to Int for 1 min./level.
Frigid Touch: Target takes cold damage and is staggered.
Frost Fall: The area is covered in a chilling frost.
Full PouchM: Divide a consumable alchemical item into two nearly identical copies.
Fungal BlistersR: Develop a small number of fungal growths which burst as you take damage, choking your enemies with harmful spores.
Garden of Peril: Grow a group of poisonous mushrooms.
Ghost Whip: Create a ghost touch whip that passes through objects.
Ghostly Disguise: You look like a ghost of yourself.
Ghoul HungerR: Awaken an unnatural hunger in the target, causing it to seek out humanoid flesh.
Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.
Gird Ally: Grant your summoned creatures a deflection bonus to their AC.
Glide: You take no falling damage and move 60 ft./round while falling.
Glitterdust: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
Grasping VineR: Sprout a 20-ft long vine that can assist with numerous tasks.
Greensight: Grant a target the ability to see through plant matter as if it were transparent
Gust of WindY: Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Gusting SphereR: Release a swirling ball of wind to move around and knock your enemies about.
Harmless Form: Transform the target into a "harmless" animal.
Haunting Mists: Creatures are shaken and take Wis damage.
Haunting Reminder: After Intimidating a creature, make it afraid of your retribution
Heckle: Shift the target’s attitude one step more hostile towards you and everyone else nearby. This also penalizes his attacks, saves, and certain skill checks.
Hidden Blades: Turn weapon or ammunition invisible
Hidden Knowledge: Remove one piece of information from your memory and turn it into a magical tattoo
Hidden Presence: Prevent creatures from noticing your presence.
Hideous LaughterY: Subject loses actions for 1 round/ level.
Hoodwink: Distort all of the targets senses
Human Potential: Grant target a +2 enhancement bonus to an ability score.
Hypnotic Pattern: Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.
Ice Slick: Coat an area with thin ice, dealing cold damage and causing creatures to fall prone.
Identifier's Eye: As per detect magic, except affecting a creature you touch
Illusory Maze: Create an illusion of an ever-changing maze of glass.
Imbue with Elemental Might: As imbue with spell ability, except you transfer your elemental assault ability to the target.
Influence Wild Magic: Stabilize an area of primal magic
Instant Weapon: Summon a melee weapon to wield.
Intensify Psyche: Amplify the targets emotions
Investigative Mind: Roll twice and take the higher roll when using certain mental skills.
InvisibilityY: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Invisibility Bubble: As invisibility, but altered to work better underwater
JitterbugsRY: Force a creature to become jittery, taking a penalty on Dexterity-related checks and being unable to delay, ready, or take a total defense action.
Kinetic Reverberation: Channels the force of an enemy's attack back into its weapon.
KnockY: Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Know Peerage: Target uses your Knowledge (nobility) ranks.
Languid VenomM: Delay a poison's onset and hide its presence.
Lead Plating: Enclose the target in a thin sheath of lead.
LevitateY: Subject moves up and down at your direction.
Life Pact: Affected creatures automatically donate hp to stabilize fallen ally.
Light PrisonR: Surround a creature with a light prison, damaging and blinding it if it attempts to escape.
Limp Lash: Paralyze an enemy from the neck down.
Lipstitch: Sew the target's lips together.
Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
Locate Portal: Detect portals within range
Mad Hallucination: Target takes penalties to mental actions.
Mage's Crawl Space: Create a personal hideaway in a surface
Magic MouthM: Objects speaks once when triggered.
Magic Siege Engine: Siege gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls.
Make WholeY: Repairs an object.
Mark of Blood: Imbue some of your life force into a creature, being able to permanently detect its location.
Masterwork Transformation: Make a normal item into a masterwork one.
Mathematical Curse: Use the Path of Numbers to place a mathematical curse on someone.
Merge with Familiar: Merge the body of your familiar or spirit animal into your own
Minor Image: As silent image, plus some sound.
Mirror Hideaway: As many as eight creatures hide in an extradimensional space.
Mirror ImageY: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 + 1 per three levels, max 8).
Misdirection: Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
Miserable Pity: Opponents cannot attack a pathetic creature.
Molten Orb: Molten metal splash weapon deals 2d6 fire damage plus ongoing damage.
Mortal Terror: Frighten creature with an existential crisis
Mount, Communal: As mount, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Mud Buddy: Create a small minion out of mud.
Nondetection, Lesser: As nondetection, but only protects against spells that target an area
Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying.
Obscured Script: Make the text on a page more difficult to decipher
Oppressive Boredom: Target loses its next action.
Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
Page-Bound Epiphany: Fill an empty book with knowledge on a topic from around the world.
Painful Revelation: damage creature who recognize an illusion for what it is
Paranoia: Target becomes hostile to all creatures.
Passing Fancy: Control the topic of conversation
Peerless Integrity: Conceal the alignment of creatures from divination magic.
Pernicious PoisonY: Target takes a -4 penalty against poison.
Phantom TrapM: Makes item seem trapped.
Pilfering Hand: You may seize an object or manipulate it from afar.
Planetarium: Project a current image of the nighty sky in places you would normally be unable to view it.
Pouncing Fury: Make a full attack with your claws after a charge
Protection from ArrowsY: Subject gains DR 10/magic against ranged attacks.
Protection from Chaos, Communal: As protection from chaos, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Evil, Communal: As protection from evil, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Good, Communal: As protection from good, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Law, Communal: As protection from law, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Technology: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against technology.
Protective Penumbra: Shadow protects the target from light.
Psychic Reading: Read surface thoughts to learn information about a subject.
Pyrotechnics: Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
Qualm: Target gains penalties on ability checks, skill checks, and concentration checks until it spends an entire round doing nothing.
Quick Change: Use change shape as a swift action and surprise foes.
Radiation Ward: Protect a creature against radiation
Raiment of Command: Cloak yourself in an illusion of authority.
Raven's Flight: Quickly turn into a tiny blurred shape with flight.
Recoil Fire: Ammunition in the targeted firearm generates excessive recoil.
Reinforce Armaments, Communal: As reinforce armaments, but you may divide the spell's duration among objects touched.
Reloading Hands: Loads a single shot into your weapon every round.
Remarkable Legerdemain: Conceal items with uncanny skill.
Resist EnergyY: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Retrieve Item: Call a small item into your hand from anywhere.
Returning Weapon: Grants a weapon the returning special weapon quality.
Reveal True ShapeM: Reveal the true form of a magically disguised/transformed creature.
Revealing Light: As light, but hampers Stealth checks
Ricochet ShotY: Imbues a projectile weapon to give its ammunition the ability to ricochet.
River Whip: Create a whip of water that you wield as a weapon.
Rock Whip: Create a whip that passes through unworked stone
Rope Trick: As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.
Rovagug's FuryR: Create a minor earthquake to trip creatures.
Rune of RuleM: Bestow upon a creature one of the seven runes of rule
Scale Spikes: Enhance a target’s scales with jagged spikes.
Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
Scorching RayY: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, + 1 ray/four levels (max 3).
Sculpt Simulacrum: Alter a simulacrum's appearance.
Searching Shadows: Shadows search for a creature or object in range
Secret Sign: Invisibly inscribe a small mark or message on a creature or obejct.
Secret SpeechR: Send secret messages to others within normal speech.
Seducer's EyesR: Gain a bonus on Charisma-based skills towards those who find you attractive.
See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
Semblance of FleshR: Disguise a construct as a creature of flesh.
Sense Vitals: Gain the ability to sneak attack.
Sensory Overload: Make concentrating difficult for a creautre, forcing a save to perform standard or full-round actions
Sentry SkullMR: Create a grisly sentinel from the severed head of a humanoid or monstrous humanoid.
Shackle: Summon manacles onto a target creature
Shadow AnchorRY: Tether a creature to its shadow, preventing it from moving too far.
Shadow Claws: Claws of shadow deal slashing damage and Strength damage
Share Language: Subject understands chosen language.
Share Memory: Share one memory with the target.
Shared SufferingF: Deal damage to another creature by harming yourself.
ShatterY: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
Shifted Steps: Make a target sound as if elsewhere.
Silent Table: Give yourself privacy by muffling sound leaving the area.
Silk To Steel: Use a scarf as a shield or whip.
Skinsend: Animate and possess your own skin as if it were a separate creature.
Slick Walls: Increase the DC of Climb checks in the area
Slipstream: Wave boosts creature's speed.
Snow Shape (Ulfen): Form snow into any shape you wish, including hard ice weapons.
Solidify Earth: Harden earth and stone, impeding burrowing creatures
Sonic Scream: Create a cone of damaging sound at will.
Spectral Hand: Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.
Spell GaugeR: Discover some spells the target has prepared.
Spider ClimbY: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
Splinter Spell Resistance: Create an aura around a target weapon to weaken a foe’s magical defenses.
Spontaneous Immolation: Target takes 3d6 points of fire damage and catches on fire.
SqueezeR: Increase the target’s flexibility, allowing it to move through tight spaces and squeeze with ease.
Stabilize Powder: Ammunition in the targeted firearm is less likely to misfire.
Staggering Fall: Make a falling creature hit the ground harder.
Steal BreathR: Steal the breath from a creature’s lungs.
Steal Size: Reduce a creature’s size, enlarge your own.
Steal Voice: Target gains the croaking spellblight.
Stone Call: 2d6 damage to all creatures in area.
Stone Discus: Flying discus deals bludgeoning or slashing damage.
Stone Throwing: Grant the subject the rock throwing and rock catching abilities.
Storm of Blades: Create swords and propel them towards your target.
Storm Sight: Spread your senses through a storm, learning about other creatures affected by the weather
Stricken Heart: Touch attack deals 2d6 damage and staggers target.
Summon Cacodaemon: Summon a cacodaemon.
Summon Monster 2: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon SwarmY: Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
Sun's Disdain: Curse a creature, giving it light blindness and making it susceptible to light spells
Suppress Charms and Compulsions: Either grant a bonus to saves against, or suppress, charm and compulsion spells
Symbol of MirroringM: Triggered rune creates mirror images.
Sympathetic Aura: As magic aura, but affects all similar objects in a 5-foot radius
Tactical Acumen: You gain an additional +1 on attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield positioning.
Tattoo PotionM: Mix a potion that creates a magical chest tattoo when drunk.
Tears to Wine: Turn nonmagic liquids into special mead or wine, enhancing the intelligence and wisdom of those who drink.
Telekinetic AssemblyF: Assembles a siege engine using 1 fewer worker for every two caster levels.
Telekinetic Strikes: Imbue a creature's limbs with force, adding damage to unarmed strikes
Telekinetic Volley: Touch a group of items, launching them as ranged attacks.
Thunder Fire: Ammunition in the targeted firearm deafens opponents.
Time Shudder: Nearby creatures are affected by haste or slow each round.
Touch of BloodlettingR: Cause any wounds the target has to bleed profusely.
Touch of Idiocy: Subject takes 1d6 penalty to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Touch of Mercy: Change the damage a creature can deal from lethal to nonlethal.
Track Ship: Use a piece of a ship to track it on a nautical chart.
Transmute Wine to Blood: Transform a bottle of fine wine into a pint of animal blood.
Twilight Haze: Illusory fog obscures vision.
Twisted Futures: Prevent creatures from taking advantage of "roll twice, take better" abiltiies.
Twisted Space: Targeted creature's attacks target a random square instead of the intended target.
Umbral Weapon: Create a shadowy afterimage that can damage enemies if the initial attack misses.
Undeath Sense: As per detect undead, but affecting a creature you touch
Unnatural Lust: Target is compelled to kiss or caress another.
Unsettling Presence: Inflict creatures with paranoia and be repulsive to others
Unshakable ChillY: Target is afflicted with severe cold.
Veil of Ash: Conjure a small cloud of burning ash in the target's face.
Vine Strike: Enhance one of your natural or unarmed attacks with thorny vine growth
Visualization of the BodyM: Gain a +5 bonus on checks with one physical ability score for 24 hours, discharge for a one-time physical boost
Visualization of the MindM: Gain a +5 bonus on checks with one mental ability score for 24 hours, discharge for a one-time mental boost
Warding Weapon: The weapon you use for the focus of this spell defends you, allowing you to cast spells without provoking attacks of opportunity.
WebY: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.
Web Shelter: Create a comfortable shelter made of webbing.
Whip of Spiders: Create a whip made of poisonous spiders.
Whispering Wind: Sends a short message 1 mile/level.
Winged Sword: Grant a weapon the throwing special ability.
With the Wind: Protect a target from being blown away by wind of less than windstorm force


Ablative BarrierY: Surrounds the target with layers of force.
Ablative Sphere (Garundi)M: Create a protective sphere around yourself, providing you with improved cover.
Accursed GlareR: Channel a fell curse through your gaze.
Adjustable Disguise: As disguise self, but you can change the disguise as a swift action.
Adroit Retrieval: Instill the target with the ability to withdraw items quickly.
Air Breathing: Allow creatures to breathe air.
Air Geyser: Blast of air deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage and knocks opponent upward.
Allied Cloak: Enchanted cloak grants shield bonus to AC and can use aid another on you once per round
Ancestral RegressionR: Conceal a drow’s appearance with that of a surface elf.
Anchored Step: Vines beneath your feet stabilize you but slow you down.
Animate Dead, LesserM: Create one skeleton or zombie.
Anthropomorphic Animal: Animal becomes bipedal.
Ape Walk: Enchant someone to climb as well as an ape.
Appearance of Life: Undead appear to be alive
Apport Animal: Send or receive a Tiny or smaller animal via teleportation.
Apsu's Shining Scales: Gain +5 armor bonus to your AC, natural attacks are good and silver, and infuse your breath weapon with holy power.
Aqueous Orb: Creates rolling sphere of water.
Arcane Reinforcement: Add your Spellcraft to Craft when creating a magic item.
Arcane Sight: Magical auras become visible to you.
Aroden's Spellsword: Merge a melee weapon with a rod or staff.
Ash Storm: Hamper vision and movement.
Assume Appearance: Use a creature's corpse to adopt its form
Audiovisual Hallucination: Create a phantasm with auditory and visual effects.
Aura of Cannibalism: Sap the strength of those around you.
Aura Sight: Alignment auras become visible to you.
Aversion: Cause the target to avoid an object or location.
Babble: Target becomes nauseated and causes nearby creatures to become fascinated.
Barrow Haze: Fog obscures the vision of others and extends the range of your hexes.
Battering Blast: Hurl a fist sized ball of force to damage your enemy and knock them back.
Beast Shape IY: You take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium animal.
Black Sword of WarR: Enchant a weapon to deal extra bleed damage.
Blacklight: Create an area of total darkness.
Blade Snare: Create an invisible snare to trap weapons.
Blast Barrier: Create a rippling but unstable wall from the earth.
Bleed for your Master: Compel a companion to take damage for you
Bleed Glory: Increase the cost to use mythic power.
BlinkY: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round per level.
Blood Biography: Learn about a creature with its blood.
Blood Rage: Inspire a number of creatures into a rage, increaing their strength but lowering their AC.
Blood ScentR: Magnify the target’s ability to smell the presence of blood.
Blood SentinelM: Animate an animal sculpture to be your temporary familiar.
Blot: Destroy all writing within an area.
Bone Flense: Cause a target's bones to erupt in sharp, jagged spurs, inflicting bleed and sickened
Burdened Thoughts: Force heavy encumberance onto a creature.
BurrowY: Target gains a burrow speed of 15.
Business BoomsM: (Downtime Spell) Promote your business with magic and increase the amount of activity it receives.
Calistria's Guardian Wasps: Summon a swarm of wasps to ward and area
Call the Void: Surround yourself with an aura of nothingness.
Campfire Wall: Creates a shelter around a campfire.
Catatonia: Make a willing target appear to be dead.
Cauterizing Weapon: Infuse a weapon with just enough energy to negate regeneration.
Chain of Perdition: Creates a floating chain of force.
Channel the GiftR: Fuel a target’s spellcasting, spontaneously cast spells without expending the slot.
Charitable Impulse: Compel a creature to aid others rather than use violence.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.
Clay Skin: Grants DR 5/Adamantine
Cleromancy: Use rolled dice to grant luck bonuses to future spells.
Cloak of Winds: Creates a screen of wind around you.
Collaborative Thaumaturgy: Apply a metamagic property to an ally’s spell.
Conjure Carriage: Create a fine carriage.
Contact Entity II: Ask more powerful entities to find and converse with you
Contagious Zeal: Grant bonuses and temporary hit points that spread from creature to creature.
Contingent Action: Set the condition for triggering a target’s readied standard, move, or swift action.
Control Vermin: Control a number of vermin for you and your allies to ride.
Countless Eyes: Extra eyes give all-around vision.
Create Soul GemF: Draw a recently dead creature's soul into a gem.
Daggermark's Exchange: Transmute one poison into another of equal or lesser value
Dark-Light: Create a dazzling light that only affects those without light sensitivity.
Darkvision, Communal: As darkvision, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
DaylightY: 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Dazzling Blade, Mass: As dazzling blade, except with multiple weapons.
Deathwine: Turn a potion into a pool of necromantic energy.
Deep SlumberY: Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Deflect Blame: Blame someone else for your actions.
Deft Digits: Animate a glove or gauntlet from a distance.
Detect Anxieties: Learn what makes a creautre anxious.
Detect Desires: Learn what a creatures desire.
Detect Mindscape: Sense the presence and attributes of mindscapes.
DevolutionY: An eidolon temporarily loses 1 evolution +1/five levels.
Diamond Spray: Fire a cone of slivers that deal 1d6 damage/level and bypass adamantine and cold iron DR.
Disable Construct: Touch attack makes a construct helpless for 1 round/level.
Discern ValueF: Quickly analyze the monetary value of objects and identify which are most valuable.
Discharge: Dissipate the charges from a technical object or hamper a creature with the robot subtype.
Dispel MagicY: Cancels one magical spell or effect.
Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
Display Aversion: Create an illusion to repulse a vampire.
Distracting Cacophony: Noise makes it difficult to cast.
Domination Link: Read thought echoes of a creature mentally controlling another.
Dongun Shaper's Touch: Temporarily reshape nonmagical materials
Draconic AllyM: Creates a semi-living intelligent draconic servant that loyally obeys and serves you.
Draconic Malice: Cause living creatures to lose their immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects vs your spells.
Draconic ReservoirY: Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
Dragon Turtle Shell: Treat the natural attack damage of a creature attacking you as five sizes smaller.
Dweomer Retaliation: Gain hit points and damage your opponent immediately after counterspelling a spell.
Earth Tremor: Unleash a tremor that creates difficult terrain and can knock foes down and damage them
Ectoplasmic Snare: Tendril of ectoplasm grapples a creature and tethers you to it.
Eldritch Fever: Target gains the eldritch ague spellblight.
Elemental Aura: Creates an aura of energy around you.
Enter Image: Transfers your consciousness to an object bearing your likeness.
Erode Defenses: Eat away at the damage reduction and natural armor of your opponent.
Eruptive Pustules: Acid boils burst when you are attacked.
Evaluator's Lens: Summon a lens of force to help protect yourself from figments/patterns or identify items.
Excruciating Deformation: Target takes Dex and Con damage.
Explosive Runes: Deals 6d6 damage when read.
Fearsome DuplicateR: Create a menacing duplicate of yourself to interact with others.
Final Sacrifice: Cause a summoned creature to explode.
Find Fault: Learn many of the target’s weaknesses and gain a +5 bonus on your next attack.
Fins to FeetR: Give a creature legs, allowing it to walk on land.
Fire TrailR: Leak a trail of flame that follows your every step.
FireballY: 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
FirestreamRY: Spray a rushing stream of fire from your hand.
First World RevisionsR: As ancestral regression but for disguising a wayang as a gnome.
Flame Arrow: Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.
Flash Fire: Ammunition in the targeted firearm creates a tremendous flash capable of blinding the weapon's bearer and those around him.
Fleshwarping Swarm (Drow)R: As summon swarm, but the swarm makes creatures more susceptible to transmutation spells along with penalizing Dexterity.
FlyY: Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Force Anchor: Skewer and anchor incorporeal targets with a force anchor.
Force PunchY: Target takes force damage and is pushed away.
Forced Mutation: Warp a creature's flesh, inflicting deformaties and penalties to Constitution and Charisma
Fortune's PathMF: Gain a glimpse of the future
Fractions of Heal and HarmR: Heal yourself with the next spell that also deals damage.
Gaseous FormY: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse.
Gilded WhispersM: Use a single coin as a conduit for eavesdropping.
Glimpse the Hidden: As per see invisibility, except affecting a creature you touch
Gloomblind BoltsR: Create bolts of negative energy to harm the living or heal the undead, possibly blinding the target.
Golden Guise: Cause an object to briefly transform into gold.
Grasping Tentacles: Use a mass of tentacles to perform dirty tricks.
Guardian Monument, Lesser: Bless a monument to imbue nearby humans with 2/magic damage reduction.
Guarding Knowledge: Gain a +4 insight bonus on saving throws vs a creature's abilitiy you have identified with a Knowledge check
Gullibility: Target takes a -10 penalty to Sense Motive and creatures using Bluff against them gain a +10 bonus on such checks
Hallucinatory Decor: Change the appearance of a structure to suit your tastes
Halt Undead: Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level.
HarrowingY: Use a Harrow deck to predict the future.
HasteY: One creature/level moves faster, receives +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Healing Leak: Touched target only gains and grants half the benefits from magical healing
Healing ThiefY: You siphon half of all magical healing that the targeted creature receives.
Heart of the MetalM: Enable weapons to overcome DR like adamantine, cold iron, or silver.
Heatstroke: Fire a ray to give someone heatstroke, dealing 1d4 nonleathal damage and inducing exhaustion.
HeroismY: Gives +2 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Hold Fey: As hold person, but targets fey
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
Hollow Blades: Target’s weapons deal damage as if they were smaller.
Horrifying Visage: Cause creatures to gain a phobia
Hostile Levitation: Levitates the targeted creature up off the ground.
Howling Agony: Screaming pain limits the target's actions.
Hydraulic TorrentY: Creates torrent of water that bull rushes any creature in its path.
Hydrophobia: Make targets become deathly afraid of water.
Ice Spears: Force a number of giant spears of ice from the ground.
Illusory Poison: Create a phantasmal poison on a weapon.
Illusory ScriptM: Only select creatures can read text.
Imbue With Addiction: Target becomes addicted to a drug.
Impede Speech: Interfere with the target's ability to speak.
Improve TrapR: Increase a trap’s effectiveness.
Infernal Challenger: Summon a bearded devil to preform a Hellknight initiation
Inflict Pain: Target takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.
Infuse Self: Assume the form of a native outsider
Insect Scouts: Create insects to scout an area for you.
Invisibility Bubble, Giant: As invisibility bubble, but capable of affecting larger creatures
Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 feet invisible.
Iron Spine: Turn creatures skeleton into sharp iron, increased effect against creatures vulnerable to cold iron
Iron Stake: Hurl a spike of cold iron at a foe
Irradiate: Flood an area with dangerous radiation.
Irriseni Mirror Sight: Look through a mirror and see out of another mirror.
Isolate: Make a creature invisible and silent to their allies.
Ja Noi Aspect: Take on the appearance and some qualities of a ja noi oni.
Kalistocrat's Nightmare: Any coin a creature touches turns into a copper piece
Keen Edge: Doubles normal weapon's threat range.
Ki Leech: Add to your ki pool when you critically hit.
Knell of the Depths: Imbue someone with a curse that causes them to sink quickly in water and suffer a -10 penalty to Swim checks.
Leshy SwarmR: Call for a leshy swarm to aid you.
Lightning BoltY: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
Lightning Conductor: Absorb electricity damage and discharge it with a touch, weapon, or ray
Lissalan Snake SigilMR: As sepia snake sigil, except using the Thassilonian schools of magic.
Loathsome Veil: Nauseates and/or sickens weak creatures.
Locate Weakness: You roll damage twice when you roll damage for a critical hit and take the best damage.
Lover's VengeanceM: Inspire yourself or a lover into a rage against someone who wronged you.
Mad Monkeys: Summon a swarm of mischievous monkeys.
Magic Circle against Chaos: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Evil: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Good: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Weapon, GreaterY: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell, and thermal effects.
Malediction (Hero Points)F: Curse a dying creature to finish it off and gain hero points from its life force.
Marionette Possession: As magic jar, but limited to line of sight.
Mark of Buoyancy: Make a touched object weightless
Mark of Spite: Deal damage to yourself to damage the marked target
Matchmaker: Cause two creatures to fall in love.
Mindlocked Messenger: Target gains a message that can be given only to its intended recipient.
Minor DreamR: As the dream spell, except delivering a shorter message.
Minor Reversion: Store a replica of yourself in the Akashic Record, end the spell when injured to be healed 1d8+1/level
Monstrous ExtremitiesR: Mutate an extremity of the creature touched.
Monstrous Physique IY: Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium monstrous humanoid.
Motes of Dusk and Dawn: Create up to four motes that shed light or darkness.
Nauseating Trail: Creature leaves a trail of stinking cloud squares.
Necromantic Burden: Make undead more difficult to control.
Necrostasis: Stagger an undead creature
Night of BladesR: Create an immobile wall of tiny black blades.
NondetectionM: Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Numerological Evocation: Use the Path of Numbers to fire rays of elemental energy.
Numerological Resistance: Use the Path of Numbers to grant your allies resilience in the face of elemental dangers.
Oneiric Horror: Distract and fatigue the target with a creature from its nightmares.
Open Book: Make it permanently easier to learn more about a target.
Outbreak: Diseased creatures in the area become extremely contagious
Pack Empathy: Create an empathic bond with allies.
Pain Strike: Inflicts 1d6 nonlethal damage 1 round/level.
Paragon SurgeR: +2 enhancement to Dexterity and Intelligence, gain use of any one feat.
Pellet Blast: Creates an explosion of conjured metal pellets.
Penumbral Disguise: Mask your features with shadowy illumination.
Perfect Placement: Grant tactical knowledge to your allies, increasing their AC and Reflex saves.
Phantasmal Affliction: Convince a target hat it contracted an affliction.
Phantasmal Reminder: Creature re-lives an injury, taking 1d6 damage/level
Phantom Driver: Conjures a phantom to drive vehicles.
Phantom SteedY: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
Phase Step: As per dimension door, but with more restrictions and affecting a creature you touch
Pierce Disguise: See through low-level magical disguises.
Pillow Talk: Sleeping creature answers your questions
Planar InquiryM: Call an outsider to answer questions
Polymorph Familiar: Give your familiar the shape of another animal.
Prehensile PilferR: Allow the target’s tail to make Dirty Trick or Steal maneuvers.
Prosperous Room: (Downtime Spell) Increase the appeal a targeted room has.
Protection from Arrows, Communal: As protection from arrows, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
Psychic Leech: Leech a target’s strength, forcing them to become fatigued in order to grant you power.
Pugwampi's Grace: Force the unluck effect of a pugwampi onto an unwilling creature.
Pup Shape: Transforms a single animal or magical beast into a younger and cuter version of itself for a short period of time.
Puzzle Box: Target forgets how to use commonly used objects.
Quell Energy: Reduce the target’s ability to tap into a specific energy type
Rage: Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
Raging RubbleR: Animate an area of rocks to create a dangerous, rolling area of debris.
Rain of Frogs: Summon a swarm of poisonous frogs.
Ray of Exhaustion: Ray makes subject exhausted.
RechargeM: Restore charges to a technological item.
Reckless Infatuation: Target is compelled to stay near another.
Resinous Skin: You gain DR 5/piercing and +4 to CMD against disarm attempts.
Resist Energy, Communal: As resist energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Resize ItemM: Resize a magical weapon or suit of armor to become larger or smaller.
Restore Mythic Power: Transfer some of your mythic essence to another creature.
Returning Weapon, Communal: As returning weapon, but you may divide the duration among weapons touched.
Reveal Mirage: Discern illusory terrain from range.
Revelation: Gain great insight into the inner workings of a puzzle, device, or trap.
Rune of Durability: Inscribe a rune upon a weapon to double its hit points.
Rune of WardingM: Place a visible glyph of warding to protect a door or other entryway.
Sands of TimeY: Target temporarily ages.
Scale Spikes, Greater: As scale spikes, except with a higher enhancement bonus.
Scales of Deflection: Treat your normal AC as your touch AC against the next touch attack that targets you.
Sebaceous TwinR: Extract a half-formed parasitic clone from the target, causing it to siphon blood and distract its host.
Secret Coffer: As secret chest, except the coffer is smaller and can only remain on the Ethereal Plane for a short time.
Secret Page: Changes one page to hide its real content.
See BeyondM: +5 Perception (+10 vs ethereal or invisible) for 24 hours, discharge to temporarily gain x-ray vision
Seed SpiesR: Create a group of wafting seeds with magical intellect that can spy for you.
Seek Thoughts: Detects thinking creatures' thoughts.
Selective Alarm: As alarm, but only against selected creatures.
Selective Invisibility: Allow one creature to see you while invisible.
Sepia Snake SigilM: Creates a snake-shaped text symbol that immobilizes reader.
Serren's Armor Lock: Cause the joints of an enemy's armor to stiffen and wrap around the wearer.
Shadow Enchantment: Use material from the Shadow Plane to create an illusory version of an enchantment spell.
Shadowmind: Force a target to see more darkness around them.
Share Glory: Imbue targets with a fraction of your mythic nature.
Share Language, Communal: As share language, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Shared Training: Share your teamwork feats with allies
Sheet Lightning: Create an area of electricity that dazes all those within.
Shield Companion (ACG): As shield other, but affecting your companion creature.
Shifting Sand: Creates difficult terrain and erases tracks, can carry along some creatures and objects.
Shifting Shadows: Obscure the appearance of all creatures within the shifting shadows.
Shrink Item: Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size.
Shroud of Innocuity: Disguise creatures as ordinary
Silt Sphere: Illusory silt hides creatures while underwater
Silver Darts: Cone of silver darts deals 1d6 piercing damage/level, less against armored targets.
Silverlight: Create a bright silver light that is harmful to those vulnerable to silver.
Siphon Might: Drain strength from a creature and transfer it to another.
Skyshroud: Unobstructed view of the sky from underground
Slave to Sin: Draw out a creatures inner sin
Sleet Storm: Hampers vision and movement.
SlowY: One subject/level takes only one action/round, –1 to AC, Reflex saves, and attack rolls.
Spectral Scout: Summon a spectral animal to scout for you.
SpherescryF: Scry through a sphere of annihilation.
Spider Climb, Communal: As spider climb, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Spiked PitF: As create pit, but filled with spikes.
Spirit BondsM: Gain a bond with 1 creature/3 levels for 24 hours. End bond to send a message as Sending
Spotlight: Create a mobile area of bright light while also suppressing light surrounding it.
Stage Fright: Give the target a -4 penalty on ability checks, skill checks, and any checks requiring concentration.
Steal Years: Temporarily steal youth and vitality from the target.
Stinking CloudY: Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
Stolen LightF: Store images within a gem.
Storm Step: Use lightning to quickly travel a short distance, harming all in your path.
Strangling HairY: Your hair animates and grapples.
Stunning Barrier, Greater: Magical field grants a +2 bonus to AC and on saves, and stuns multiple creatures attacking you.
SuggestionY: Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
Summon Monster 3: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Totem Creature (Shoanti): Summon animals sacred to your tribe.
Sundered Serpent Coil: As black tentacles, except creating a decapitated snake to grapple your enemies.
Sunstalker: Creature becomes invisible in sunlight
Swarm of Fangs: Summon a swarm of animated, flying teeth.
Swipe: Attempt to magically wrest an item from the target.
Symbol of ExsanguinationM: Triggered rune causes nearby creatures to bleed.
Tail Strike: Grow a tail and gain a tail slam attack.
Threefold Face: Gain two more faces, which grant you bonuses to sight
Threefold Sight: When rolling a d20, roll 3d20 and choose the middle result
Thunderous Footfalls: Knock down smaller creatures by moving close to them.
Thunderstomp, Greater: Trip multiple creatures within range.
Tiny Hut: Creates shelter for 10 creatures.
Tongues: Speak and understand any language.
Touch InjectionY: You can deliver an infusion, elixir, poison, or potion as a touch attack.
Toxic Blood: Turn your blood into venom, poisoning creatures that wound you
Toxic Gift: Target suffers the effect of the poison in you.
Toxic Rupture: Force a target to save against its own poison.
Trial of Fire and Acid: Cover the target creature in burning acid.
Twilight Knife: Floating knife attacks with you.
Twine Double: Create a simulacrum of yourself out of cloth and twine.
Unadulterated Loathing: Target is compelled to avoid another creature.
Undead Anatomy I: Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium undead.
Unflappable MienF: Protective barrier of force knocks creatures and deals force damage
Unhallowed Blows, Greater: As per unhallowed blows, but a +1 bonus per 4 caster levels
Unliving Rage: As rage, except affecting only undead.
Unravel Destiny: Creature takes a penalty to rolls based on number of hero points possessed.
Unseen Engineers: Conjure a small team of tiny engineers to construct a trap for you.
Unspoken Name: Learn when a nearby creature refers to you with a particular name or title
Urban Step: Step into one doorway and out another.
Vampiric Hunger: Grant a target the fangs and hunger of a vampire.
Vampiric TouchY: Touch deals 1d6 damage per two levels; caster gains damage as temporary hp.
Vengeful Comets: Create a group of orbiting comets that can immediately strike those who target you with spells.
Versatile Weapon: Weapon bypasses some DR.
Violent Misfire: Cause a firearm to misfire and explode
Virulent Miasma: As fog cloud, but vapor is diseased
Vision of Hell: Illusory hellscape makes creatures shaken.
Voluminous Vocabulary: Grant ability to speak, read, and write one or more languages for 8 hours.
Wall of Mist: Create a wall of mist that creates concealment
Wall of Nausea: Creatures that pass through the wall are nauseated and might fall prone.
Wall of Split Illumination: Create a wall of illumination, darkness on one side, light on the other.
Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
Waves of Blood: A cone of blood pushes creatures, sickens them, and makes the ground slick.
Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.


Absorb Rune IM: Absorb a magic rune up to 3rd level, which can be moved or dispelled
Absorbing Barrier: Protect an area from ranged attacks
Absorbing InhalationR: Completely inhale a cloud-like effect, keeping it stored harmlessly in your body.
Abyssal VerminR: Infuse vermin with fiendish qualities.
Acid PitF: Creates a pit with a layer of acid on the bottom.
Adjustable Polymorph: As alter self, but you can change the shape as a swift action.
Age Resistance, Lesser: Ignore penalties from middle age.
Aggravate Affliction: Force ongoing afflictions to trigger.
Aggressive Thundercloud, Greater: Flying storm cloud deals 6d6 electricity damage.
Agonize: Pain encourages an outsider to obey you.
Akashic CommunionFM: Make 1 knowledge check /3 levels with a +10 bonus
Amnesia: Target loses most of its memories
Animal Aspect, Greater: As animal aspect, but you gain two animal qualities.
Animate DeadMY: Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
Antithetical Constraint: Constrain the target so they cannot make attack rolls against anyone except those of the opposite alignment.
Anywhere but Here: Transport yourself and willing creatures to a random planar destination
Apparent Treachery: Shroud creatures in an aura of suspicion and paranoia.
Aram Zey's Trap WardM: Protect yourself against magical traps.
Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Assume Appearance, Greater: Use a likeness to adopt a dead creature's form
Aura of the Unremarkable: Make actions seem mundane to nearby creatures.
Ball Lightning: Flying balls of lightning deal 3d6 electricity damage each.
Baphomet's Blessing: Transmute the target’s head into that of a bull.
Beanstalk: Create an enormous beanstalk that leads into the clouds.
Beast Shape IIY: You take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large animal.
Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
Bestow Planar Infusion II: Grants the target the benefits of an improved planar infusion
Bind Sage: Summon a caulborn to answer questions
Bit of LuckR: Gain a pool of luck that can be used to add a luck bonus to any d20 rolls, which can turn a failure into a success
Bite the Hand: Compel a summoned creature to attack its summoner.
Black TentaclesY: Tentacles grapple all creatures within a 20-ft. spread.
Blast of Wind: As gust of wind, treat creatures in the area as smaller than they are for the effects of the wind
Bloatbomb: Kill a weak creature and turn its corpse into an explosive trap.
Bloody Arrows: Enhance ranged weaponry to deal bleed damage.
Boneshatter: Create fractures and splinters in the bones/carapace of a creature.
Brightest Light: As daylight, but lasts longer and can dispel darkness effects
Calamitous Flailing: Cause the target’s attacks to gain a miss chance.
Calcific Touch: Touch attack slows target, 1d4 Dex damage.
Caustic Safeguard: Imbue an object with an acidic protective ward.
Celestial Healing, Greater: As celestial healing, except target gains a stronger aura and fast healing 4 instead of 1.
Charm Monster: Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Charon's Dispensation: Protection from the River Styx.
Claim Identity: Steal a creature's face
Cloud ShapeR: Assume the appearance of a large cloud.
Complex Hallucination: Create a phantasm with effects for all senses.
Concealed Breath: Hold breath without negative effects
ConfusionY: Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Conjuration Foil: Interfere with nearby teleportation effects.
Conjure Deadfall: Create a spiked falling block above the heads of your enemies.
ContagionY: Infects subject with chosen disease.
Contingent ScrollF: Transfer a scroll’s power to the target; the scroll is then triggered as contingency.
Contingent VenomM: As languid venom, but with a triggering condition.
Control Summoned Creature: Direct a summoned monster as if you had summoned it.
Controlled Fireball: As fireball, but secretly deals less damage to your allies.
Conversing Wind: As whispering wind, except it can carry responses and multiple messages.
Create Armaments: Create a nonmagical weapon, shield, or set of armor.
Create Holds: Create handholds out of earth, plaster, stone, or wood.
Creeping Ice: Sheet of ice slowly spreads outward on a horizontal surface.
Crimson Breath: Spit poison at a creature
Crushing Despair: Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Curse of Befouled FortuneR: Target can't gain the benefit of any luck ability.
Curse of Burning Sleep: Creature catches fire the next time it sleeps for an hour.
Curse of Dragonflies: Target a creature with a curse that impacts its ability to fly.
Curse of Magic NegationM: Target gains the negated spellblight.
Curse TerrainM: Curse an area with four hazards
Cursed Treasure: Target object curses the next creature to touch it
Daemon WardM: As death ward, but against daemons.
Darkvision, Greater: See 120 ft. in total darkness.
Daze, Mass: As daze, but affecting multiple creatures.
Deadman's ContingencyF: Set one of a list of contingencies for your demise.
Death Knell Aura: Create an aura that feeds on the souls of those who die within it.
DeathlessY: Prevent death from hit point damage so long as this spell persists.
Debilitating Speech: Disparage your opponents, sapping their will to fight
Demanding Message: Send messages as per message with a suggestion for one creature.
Detect ScryingY: Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.
DetonateM: Inflicts 1d8/level energy damage to all creatures within 15 ft.
Dimension DoorY: Teleports you a short distance.
Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement.
Dragon's BreathY: Gives you a dragon's breath weapon.
Dreadscape: Surroundings and unfamiliar creatures seem like something out of a nightmare.
Dream Dalliance: Create a phantasm that leeches onto the psyche of a nearby creature.
Dream Shield: Ward a target’s mind to protect them while unconscious.
Earsend: Animate and send your ear to spy for you
Earth GlideR: Allow a target to swim through stone, dirt, and other earth.
Elemental Body IY: Turns you into a Small elemental.
Elemental MasteryR: Gain mastery over your elemental essence, granting bonus movement and attack.
Emergency Force Sphere: Create a quick hemispherical wall of force to protect you from falling debris.
Enchantment Foil: Trick opponents who try to cast enchantments on you.
Energy Hack: Change the energy of your spells to match an energy you were attacked with.
EnervationY: Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
Enlarge Person, Mass: 1 humanoid creature/level doubles in size.
Enticing Adulation: Force a creature to protect and care for you.
Eyes of the Void: See 60 ft. in darkness, including magical darkness.
Fair is Foul: Curse someone with a disfiguring or painful mutation.
False Life, Greater: Gain 2d10 temporary hp + 1/level.
Familiar Melding: Possess your familiar.
Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Fey Form I: Assume the form of a Small or Medium fey creature
Fiendish Wrath: Targets gain a moral bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Will, as well as the rend ability with claws or unarmed strikes
Film of Filth: Cause the target’s flesh to exude a layer of putrescent slime with a horrible stench.
Fire ShieldY: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold.
Fire TrapM: Opened object deals 1d4 + 1/level damage.
Firefall: Causes fire to burst up, dealing 2d6 fire damage.
Firewalker's MeditationM: resist fire 5, DR 5/magic, +4 to saves vs pain for 24 hours, discharge to temporarily increase to resist 30, DR 10, and immunity to pain
Flaming Aura: Gain the fire subtype or enhance an already existing subtype.
Flaming Sphere, Greater: Rolling ball of fire deals 6d6 fire damage and ignites targets.
Fleeting Memory: Create a gap in the target’s memory.
Flesh PuppetM: Control a zombie in human guise.
Fleshworm Infestation: Worms deal hp and Dex damage.
Fool's Teleport: Become invisible, but appear as if you used teleportation magic to escape.
Forgetful SlumberR: As deeper slumber, but only on one creature. This also causes them to lose some memories.
Freedom's ToastR: Teleport the target a short distance while freeing them from restraints.
Frigid Souls: Disrupt and dispel spells that protect against cold
Frosty Aura: Gain the cold subtype or enhance an already existing subtype.
Geas, Lesser: Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
Geb's Hammer: Draw the remains of nearby destroyed undead, throwing them as a single mass of flesh at your enemy.
Geomessage: Leave a message hidden on a surface
Ghost WolfR: Summon a wolf mount made of black smoke which emanates fear.
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser: Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.
Gravel Vortex: Create a hail of tiny pieces of rock and dust.
Hallucinatory Terrain: Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field as forest, or the like).
Harvest Knowledge: Sift through a creatures memories and make Knowledge checks with their modifier
Hellmouth LashR: Transform your tongue into a whip made out of energy.
Hollow Heroism: Provide a heroism effect that you can reverse at any time
Homeward Bound: Return a creature to its home plane
Horrific Doubles: Call forth disturbing mirror images
Hunger for Flesh: Give a creature a bite attack and a hunger for its own kind's flesh.
Hurricane Blast: Create a severe blast of air bursting out from you.
Hypercognition: Rapidly recall everything you know about a subject.
Hypnotism, GreaterR: As affecting more creatures and involving more requests
Ice StormY: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Ignoble Form: Transform the target into a half-elf form.
Illusion of Treachery: Make it seem like another is responsible for your attacks.
Illusory Wall: Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.
Imbue with FlightY: Grant creatures the ability to fly at your command.
Infernal Healing, Greater: As infernal healing, except using fast healing 4.
Infuse DecayF: Imbue a corporeal undead's natural attacks with dangerous spells
Infuse Effigy: Infuse an effigy with a powerful curse.
Inhibiting Patterns: Create illusory pillars that block movement
Innocuous Shape: Creatures actions are seen as innocent
Insect Spies: Use magic beetles as spies.
Instant Fake: Provide a short-term replica of an object.
Inveigle Person: Humanoid becomes friendly to all other creatures.
Invisibility, Greater: As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
Irregular Size: Creature's limb shrivels
Liquefy: Transmute an object into a liquid version of itself.
Locate Creature: Indicates direction to known creature.
Lost PassageR: Enchant an area to confuse those who travel within it.
Mad Sultan's Melody: Bizarre cacohony fascinates eldritch creatures.
Magic Aura, Greater: As magic aura, but also affects creatures and allows more options.
Magic Circle Against Technology: Protects those in an area with protection from technology, and other effects that suppress or resist technology.
Magic Siege Engine, Greater: Siege engine gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls for every four caster levels.
Majestic Image: As enter image, but also gain bonuses on social skills while in the image.
Make Whole, Greater: As make whole, but repairs 1d6+1/level damage to a max of 10d6+10.
Malfunction: Construct behaves oddly for 1 round/level.
Malicious SpiteM: Target is compelled to plot against another.
Martial TelekinesisR: As the combat maneuver version of telekinesis, with some additional changes
Masochistic Shadow: Animate a target’s shadow, making it hunger for it’s owner’s life energy.
Master's Escape: Create a link between you and a summoned creature, allowing you to switch places.
Medusa's Bane: Become immune to gaze attacks and reflect them back on the creature using it
Meticulous Match: Determine if two things are identical.
Miasmatic FormMR: As gaseous form, except the form is dangerous to creatures who touch it.
Mindscape Door: Create a portal allowing entry to and exit from a mindscape.
Mindwipe: Erase a portion of the target’s mind and experiences, inflicting negative levels.
Minor Creation: Creates one cloth or wood object.
Minor Phantom ObjectR: As minor creation, except the object created is a semi-real illusion.
Mirror Transport: Mirror becomes a multiple-use dimension door.
Mischievous Shadow: Curse a creature's shadow to disrupt their actions
Mnemonic Siphon: Steal the spells of a creature carrying the affected object
Monstrous Physique IIY: Take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large monstrous humanoid.
Moonstruck: Subject is enraged and confused.
Mydriatic Spontaneity: Cause splitting headaches and an oversensitivity to light and darkness.
Mythic Severance: Restrict target’s access to its mythic power.
Naga Shape IR: Take the form of a Large naga
Named BulletY: Imbues ammunition with accuracy against a specific creature type.
Nixie's LureR: Create a seductive song to lure all nearby creatures.
Nondetection, CommunalM: As nondetection, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Object Possession, Lesser: Project your soul into an object, animating it.
Obsidian Flow: Converts the surface of the ground into molten glass.
Overwhelming Grief: Grieving target can take no actions and is denied its Dex bonus.
Phantasmal Asphixiation: Trick a creature into thinking it can't breathe.
Phantasmal KillerY: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
Phantom Chariot: Conjures a quasi-real heavy chariot pulled by four horses.
Phantom Steed, Communal: As phantom steed, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Poisonous Cloud: As per fog cloud, but lethally poisonous
Positive Pulse, Greater: A large pulse of positive enrgy damages undead and bolsters living creatures
Probe HistoryR: Find answers to Knowledge questions by looking at alternate realities.
Project WeaknessR: Curse the target with the weaknesses of your vampirism.
Protection from Energy, Communal: As protection from energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Purge Spirit: Deal 1d6 points of damage per level to one haunt or spirit creature and stagger it.
Pyrotechnic Eruption: Erupting flames burn a target several times.
Questing Stone: Turn an ioun stone into a scrying sensor.
Quieting Weapons: Weapons make no sound and quiet their victims.
Rags to Riches: Enhance an object to function as if it were masterwork quality.
Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
Rebuke Technology: Render a piece of technology inert.
Reduce Person, Mass: As reduce person, but affects 1 humanoid creature/level.
Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
RenovationM: (Downtime Spell) Rearrange and resize rooms in a building you constructed.
Resilient ReservoirR: Store hit point damage as magical energy.
Resilient Sphere: Force globe protects but traps one subject.
Revenant Armor: Grant a suit of armor limited animation when its wearer falls unconcious or is killed
Ride The Waves: Target can breathe water and swim.
Riding Possession: As possession, but you observe instead of control the subject.
Rigor Mortis: Painfully swell a targets joints.
Rising Water: Create a pillar of water
River of Wind: A stream of wind causes nonlethal damage and can knock down or push creatures.
Rope Tornado: Tornado-force winds knock creatures prone or from the air
Sacrifice: Make a sacrifice to aid conjuring and commanding a planar creature.
SadomasochismR: Take more damage from opponents, but force them to become demoralized.
Sand Table: Create a model of the surrounding land and the creatures nearby
Scorching Ash FormRY: Change someone into a gaseous cloud of hot ash and smoke, dealing fire damage to those they move through.
ScryingF: Spies on subject from a distance.
Secure Shelter: Creates sturdy cottage.
Seeds of Influence: Weaken a creature to your divinations and enchantments
Shadow Barbs: Create a vicious spiked chain enshrouded in shadow.
Shadow Conjuration: Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real.
Shadow Dragon Aspect: Shroud yourself in a shadowy illusion of a dragon.
Shadow Invasion: Create an area of darkness that strengthens shadow spells and attracts kytons
Shadow Jaunt: Teleport, leaving an illusion of yourself in the space you left
Shadow Projection: Temporarily become a shadow.
Shadow Step: Teleport from one shadow to another.
Shadowform: Replace the target’s body with mystic shadow material, causing them to take less damage from attacks.
Shadowy HavenR: Create a hidden room to conceal you on the edge of the Plane of Shadow.
Share Senses: Perceive the world around your familiar.
Share Shape: As beast shape II, but you may only assume the form of an animal type identical to your companion or familiar.
Shield Speech, Greater: Communicate freely with a group of nearby people without anyone else being able to overhear.
Shocking Image: As mirror image, but the duplicates emit electrical damage when destroyed.
ShoutY: Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage.
Simulacrum, LesserM: Creates a double of a weak creature.
Skeleton Crew: Turn corpses into obedient skeleton crew.
Solid FogY: Blocks vision and slows movement.
Soul Vault: Protect your soul from harmful effects after death
Speak with Plane: Speak with a manifestation of a sentient plane
Spellcrash, Lesser: Target loses a 3rd-level prepared spell or spell slot.
Stone ShapeY: Sculpts stone into any shape.
StoneskinMY: Grants DR 10/adamantine.
Summon Accuser: Summon an accuser devil to do your bidding.
Summon Cacodaemon, Greater: Summon 1d4+1 cacodaemons.
Summon Genie, LesserF: As summon monster I, except you can summon one janni.
Summon Monster 4: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Ship: Conjure a ship out of extradimensional materials
Suppress Primal Magic: Suppress the effects of primal magic.
Suppressing StoneFR: Infuse arcane power into an ioun stone to protect you from mental attacks.
Sword to Snake: Change an object into a venemous creature.
Symbol of LaughterM: Triggered rune makes nearby creatures lose actions for 1 round/level.
Symbol of RevelationM: Triggered symbol reveals illusions.
Symbol of SlowingM: Triggered rune slows creatures.
Tail Current: Create a current in water to enhance or impede swimming
Tailwind: Create a current of wind to enhance or impede flight
Telekinetic Charge: Launches an ally through the air.
Telekinetic Maneuver: Perform a telekinetic combat maneuver.
Temporary Graft: Graft a body part onto yourself to gain one of several benefits
Terrible Remorse: Creature is compelled to harm itself.
Thanatotic Fury: Stifle other creatures’ abilities to cast divine spells by attacking them.
Thaumaturgic Circle: As magic circle, but affecting a non-alignment subtype or outsider race.
Tongues, Communal: As tongues, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Touch of Slime: Touch infests a target with green slime.
Tough Crowd: Grant allies a +4 bonus to resist enchantments/illusions.
Trade Items: Swap a focus object with a target object.
Triggered Suggestion: As suggestion, but triggered only and target doesn’t remember the suggestion.
True FormY: Removes polymorph effects.
Umbral Infusion: Infuse mindless undead with power from the Shadow Plane, increasing their power.
Unbearable Brightness: Your glowing body dazzles or blinds others.
Undeath Inversion: Alter an undead creature’s energy affinity so it takes damage from negative energy and heals from positive energy.
Unholy Ward: Resist damage from holy sources, smite evil, etc.
Vermin Shape IY: Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium vermin.
Vicarious View: Plant a scrying sensor that you can use to spy on a creature, object, or location.
Vitriolic Mist: As fire shield, except acid damage.
Volcanic Storm: Hot rocks deal 5d6 damage.
Vomit TwinRY: Vomit an ooze copy of yourself that you can swap places with.
Wall of Blindness/Deafness: Translucent wall blinds or deafens creatures that pass through it.
Wall of Bone: Create a wall of bones that damages and grapples adjacent creatures
Wall of BrineR: Conjure a 5-foot-thick wall of seawater with a powerful current.
Wall of FireY: Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.
Wall of IceY: Ice plane creates wall or hemisphere creates dome.
Wandering Star Motes: Outlines subject and produces light as a sunrod.
Ward Shield: Enchant a shield with Spell Resistance and a bonus against area-effect spells.
Warp Metal: Warp wood, affecting metal objects
Watchful Animal: Place a scrying sensor on your animal companion or familiar.
Water Shield: Surround yourself with a protective spout of acid.
Wave Form: Briefly turn into a huge wave that knocks down everything in your path
Web CloudR: Create a cloud-like spread of flame-resistant webbing.


Absorb Toxicity: You become immune to diseases and toxins, absorb one, and then spread it to others.
Acidic SprayM: 1d6/level acid damage plus 1 round of acid.
Alter River: Alter the flow of water in a natural freshwater channel.
Angelic Aspect: As angelic aspect, lesser with improved angelic qualities.
Animal Growth: One animal doubles in size.
Apathy: Cause a creature to lose interest in its passions
Apparent Master: Take control over a construct, forcing it to regard you as its master.
Appearance of Life, Greater: As appearance of life, but deceiveing all of the senses
Arid Refuge: Creates a safe house for air-breathing creatures underwater
Army Across Time: As ally across time, but more cubes and more duplicates
Astral Projection, LesserM: Limited astral travel.
Augmenting Wall: Create a wall of faintly shimmering elemental energy; this can be configured to allow ranged weapons to pass through it in one direction.
Awaken the Devoured: Deal 1d8/level nonlethal damage to a daemon and make it confused.
Baleful PolymorphY: Transforms subject into harmless animal.
Banishing Blade: Enhanced weapon gets free bull rush attempts on attacks.
Beast Shape IIIY: You take the form of a Diminutive or Huge animal, or Small or Medium magical beast.
Befuddled Combatant: Curse a creature to weaken the DCs of its abilities and deal minimum damage with its attacks
Black Spot: Inflict a specific and feared pirate curse onto your target.
Blight: Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.
Blightburn Weapon: Transform a weapon into pure blightburn.
Blood Boil: Boil the blood of your enemies, dealing constitution damage and causing fatigue.
Blood Tentacles: Create writhing tentacles from your chest.
Break EnchantmentY: Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses.
Burn CorruptionR: Scour the life in an area, especially Abyssal life.
Burst of Force: Emit a blast of force to damage and knock creatures prone
Callback, Greater: Teleport a familiar or spirit animal to your side from miles away when it is injured
Calm Air: Reduce the strength of wind in an area.
Carve PassageFR: Excavate and move snow, earth, dust, and loose/packed rocks or ice chunks.
Caustic Blood: Imbue your blood with corrosive acid, damaging those who wound you.
Charm Person, Mass: As charm person, but affects multiple creatures within 30 ft.
Charnel House: Create an area of semi-real gore
Cloak of Shadows: Shadows protect you from bright light and grants defensive abilities
CloudkillY: Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.
Cold Iron Fetters: Reduce the targets move speeds, increased effect with creatures vulnerable to cold iron
Commune with TextsM: Quckly search though a collection of texts to find the right information
Companion Transportation: Swap places with your animal companion, familiar, or spirit animal via teleportation
Compel Tongue, Mass: As compel tongue, except it affects multiple creatures.
Compelling Rant: People believe your ridiculous speech as long as you keep talking
Condensed Ether: Creates a planar conjunction that slows movement, penalizes AC and Reflex saves, and imposes a miss chance on ranged attacks.
Conditional Curse: Bestow a curse that is difficult to remove without fulfilling the condition.
Cone of ColdY: 1d6/level cold damage.
Constricting CoilsR: Paralyze a target with constricting snake coils.
Contact Entity III: Ask very powerful eldritch entities to find and converse with you, or they may reply telepathically.
Contact Other Plane: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.
Contagious Suggestion: Cast a suggestion that gets passed on to secondary targets
Corrosive Consumption: Acidic patch damages an opponent.
Covetous AuraY: Sap the powers of beneficial spells cast near to you.
Create Mindscape: Form an immersive mindscape.
Curse of Disgust: Target is sickened while viewing trigger.
Dahak's Release: You unleash all the target’s anger and destructive urges, causing it to fly into a violent bloodlust.
Damnation StrideRY: As dimension door, except you leave behind a burst of flame.
Darkvault: Ward shadows so light cannot penetrate them.
Daywalker: Reshape an undead creature to appear living.
Deceptive Redundancy: Protect your magic from attempts to dispel it
Decollate: Target can safely remove its head
Devil SnareM: Create an invisible circle to trap outsiders.
Die for Your Master: A stronger version of bleed for your master, this forces the animal servant to intercept any attack that targets you, even if it does not require an attack roll.
Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.
DissolutionM: Cause a tiny item to vanish from existence.
Dominate PersonY: Controls humanoid telepathically.
Draconic Suppression: Stop a dragon from using its breath weapon along with reducing its magical prowess.
DreamY: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
DungeonsightF: Receive a clear and memorable view of the layout of the nearby area.
Duplicate Familiar: Create a duplicate of your familiar.
Echolocation: Sonic sense gives you blindsight 40 ft.
Elemental Body IIY: Turns you into a Medium elemental.
Empathy Conduit: Create a conduit between master and familiar, allowing you to affect one while targeting the other.
Energy Siege Shot: A Large siege engine deals energy damage that you designate with other effects depending on the type of energy you choose.
Fabricate: Transforms raw materials into finished items.
False FutureM: Cause divinations of the future to reveal the result you choose.
False VisionM: Fools scrying with an illusion.
Feast on Fear: Targets are panicked, and you gain temporary hit points.
Feeblemind: Subject's Int and Cha drop to 1.
Fickle Winds: Wind walls selectively block attacks.
Fire SnakeY: Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.
Flash Forward: Charge, then teleport back to starting poisiton
Flesh Puppet HordeM: Control multiple zombies in human guise.
Flexile Curse: Creature's armor and shield lose 1 AC and hardness/hour
Foretell Failure: Learn if an action you are about to take would be too difficult; choose an alternate path if it is.
GeniekindY: Gain the power and influence of a genie.
Geyser: Creates a geyser of boiling water.
Gift of the Deep: Grant a sahuagin unique powers like mutants.
Glimpse of TruthM: Gain true seeing for 1 round.
Globe of Tranquil Water: Create a bubble to block out all natural and magical precipitation within an area.
Grand Destiny: Grant target a +4 competence bonus on any attack, caster level check, saving throw, or skill check (can be used multiple times at higher levels).
Gravity Sphere: Alter the gravity in a 30-foot-radius area.
Gravity Well: Increase the power of gravity in an area.
Grease, Greater: As grease, but with a greater area and/or targets
Greater Reversion: As minor reversion, but healing 3d8+1/level
Guardian Monument, Greater: As lesser guardian monument, except with DR 4/magic.
Half-Blood ExtractionFMR: Transform a half-orc into a full-blooded orc.
Hammer of MendingFR: Release a wave of energy to repair objects and constructs.
Hold Monster: As hold person, but any creature.
Hostile Juxtaposition: You create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it.
Hungry Earth: Enchant the ground to pull creatures beneath the surface.
Hungry PitF: As create pit, but dealing 4d6 damage to those in it as it closes.
Icy Prison: Thick ice holds and damages the target.
Illusory Hoard: Force the target to believe nothing in its hoard is missing or disturbed.
Impossible Angles: Distort geometry inside
Interposing Hand: Hand provides cover against 1 opponent.
Khain's Army: Create a small squad of ghouls led by a ghast, charged with necromantic energy.
Lend Path: Temporarily transfer one of your mythic path abilities to another creature.
Life Bubble: Protects creatures from sustained environmental effects.
Lighten Object, MassR: As lighten object, except for multiple objects.
Lightning ArcY: Targets in a line take 1d6 electricity/level.
Locate Gate: Find a nearby magical portal
Mage's Faithful Hound: Phantom dog can guard a location and attack intruders.
Mage's Private Sanctum: Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.
Magic JarF: Enables possession of another creature.
Major Creation: As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
Major Phantom ObjectR: As major creation except the object created is a semi-real illusion.
Mantle of the Magic WarriorsR: Imbue targets with animal spirits, granting them unique bonuses.
Mask from DivinationM: Protect a creature from divination effects
Master's Mutation: Mutate a summoned creature to grant it new abilities.
Mind Fog: Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks.
Mind Probe: Learn answers from a subject’s memories.
Mirage Arcana: As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.
Monstrous Physique IIIY: Take the form and some of the powers of a Diminutive or Huge monstrous humanoid.
Naga Shape IIR: As naga shape I, with improved abilities
Nex's Secret WorkshopM: As nondetection, but any number of creatures or objects in the area
NightmareY: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
Object Possession: As lesser object possession, but with a larger object.
Oneiric Horror, Greater: As oneiric horror, plus Str damage.
Ooze Form I: Assume the form of a Small or Medium ooze creature
Open Arms: Ward off the challenge/smite and similar attempts of an enemy creature.
Overland Flight: You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
Pain Strike, Mass: As pain strike, but affects multiple creatures.
Parchment Swarm: Shredded parchment deals 1d6 points of damage per level, and has a spell effect if you shred a scroll.
Passwall: Creates passage through wood or stone wall.
Peacebond, Greater: As peacebond, but on multiple weapons, even if they aren't sheathed.
Permanency: Makes certain spells permanent.
Pernicious Pranksters: Fey forces target enemies with random combat maneuvers
Persistent Image: As major image, but no concentration required.
Pessimism: Force a creature to see the negative side of things.
Phantasmal Web: Catches subjects in illusory web.
Plague Carrier: Target's attacks carry filth fever.
Planar Adaptation: Resist harmful effects of other plane.
Planar Aegis: Use planar energy to protect yourself and retaliate with one energy type
Planar Binding, Lesser: Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
Planetary Adaptation: As planar adaptation, but only on different worlds of the Material Plane.
Plant Shape I: Turns you into a Small or Medium plant.
Polymorph: Gives one willing subject a new form.
Possess ObjectF: Possess and animate one object.
Possession: Project your soul into a creature’s body.
Possession TrapF: Place a protective ward to ensare creatures that attempt to possess you.
Prying Eyes: 1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you.
Rapid Repair: Construct gains fast healing 5.
RebootF: Bring a destroyed construct back to action for a limited time.
Red Hand of the Killer: Stain the hand of a creature's killer red.
Release the Hounds: Summon a swarm of wolves
Repair Undead, Mass: Heals undead of 1d8 hp + 1/level; affects 1 undead/level.
Roaming PitM: Create a mobile extradimensional pit
Rubberskin: Convert bludgeoning and falling damage into nonlethal damage.
Rune of Ruin: Curse a magic item, weakening it and causing its magical qualities to fail half of the time.
Runic Overload: Charge magical runes to an explosive degree.
Sawtooth Terrain: Cause giant mantis limbs to sprout from the ground, damaging and cripping creatures
Scintillating Wall: Create a wall that fascinates creatures that attempt to move through it
Scripted Hallucination: As complex hallucination, but without concentration.
Sealed Sending: Send a message scroll to any location you have previously been
Secret Chest: Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will.
Seek Shelter: Weak creatures are compelled to seek shelter
Seeming: Changes appearance of one person per two levels.
SendingY: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
Sequester ThoughtsM: Erase a creature's memory about a single topic.
Shadow Evocation: Mimics evocation of lower than 5th level, but only 20% real.
Shapechanger's Gift: Temporarily change a target into an animal, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid
Shroud of Darkness: Affected creatures have their vision impaired
Siphon Magic: Transfer a magical effect from another creature to yourself.
Sleepwalking SuggestionM: Cause a creature to perform a suggested action while sleeping.
Slough: Slough off a target's skin.
Smug Narcissism: Target is distracted by its sense of self.
Sonic Thrust: Sound moves targets away from you.
Soothe Construct: Reduce the berserk chance of a construct.
SoulswitchF: Swap your soul with your familiar’s.
Spell Absorption: Use a counterspelled spell's energy in order to regain the use of your own spells.
Spellsteal: Create a discordant blast of energy to disrupt a target’s hold on magic and transfer it to you.
Steal Power: Sap mythic power from another creature.
Steal Years, Greater: As steal years, but steal a greater amount of years and for longer.
Stoneskin, CommunalM: As stoneskin, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Straitjacket: Restrain a creautre's arms and grant it a second saving throw against certain magic.
Strip Scales: Reduce the target’s natural armor.
Suffocation: Target quickly suffocates to death.
Summon Ceustodaemon: Summon a ceustodaemon.
Summon GenieF: As lesser summon genie, except summon one djinni or 1d3 jann.
Summon Infernal Host: Summon host devils.
Summon Lesser Demon: As summon monster, except to summon a brimorak, incubus, thoxel demon, 1d3 schir demons, or 1d4+1 vermlek demons.
Summon Lesser Psychopomp: Summon 1d3 esobok psychopomps or 1d4+1 nosoi psychopomps.
Summon Monster 5: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summoner Conduit: The target takes damage whenever its summoned creature does.
Sun's Disdain, Mass: As sun's disdain, but targeting multiple creatures
Surface Excursion: Temporarily teleport yourself and others to the surface
Symbol of PainM: Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain.
Symbol of ScryingM: Triggered rune activates scrying sensor.
Symbol of SleepM: Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
Symbol of StrikingM: As symbol of death, but fills a 5-foot square.
TelekinesisY: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
Telepathic Bond: Link lets allies communicate.
Teleport: Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.
Thoughtsense: Automatically detect nearby conscious creatures.
Torpid ReanimationM: Animate dead when a specific trigger condition occurs.
Touch of Slumber: Touched nonhostile creature falls asleep
Trace Teleport: Determine where and when teleportation occurred, and glimpse the origin or destination.
Transmute Mud to Rock: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
Transplant Visage: Remove the face and eyes of a creature, magically melding them with your own.
Treasure StitchingM: Objects on cloth become embroidered.
TruespeakR: Communicate with any creature with a mind.
Unbreakable ConstructM: Increase construct hardness or DR.
Undead Anatomy II: Take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large undead.
Unseen Crew: Create a number of invisible crew members to work on a ship.
Untold Wonder: Treat penalties from emotion effects as bonuses instead
Vampiric Shadow Shield: As fire shield, except attackers take negative energy damage and attacks heal you.
Vengeful StingerR: Grow a long, wasp-like tail with stinger.
Vermin Shape IIY: As vermin shape, but Tiny or Large.
Vile Dog Transformation: Transform ordinary dogs into fiendish minions.
Village VeilR: Make an area seem worthless to others.
WaftR: Alter the targets so they are light enough to be carried by the wind.
Walk the Plank: As create pit, but filled with water and contains sharks
Wall of Clockwork: Create a wall made up of spinning cogs and gears.
Wall of Ectoplasm: Wall of spirits blocks movement on Material Plane and Ethereal Plane and causes fear.
Wall of ForceY: Wall is immune to damage.
Wall of Light: Create a wall of blinding light.
Wall of Sound: Sonic wall deflects and damages creatures.
Wall of StoneY: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
Waves of Fatigue: Several targets become fatigued.
Whip of Centipedes: Create a whip made of poisonous centipedes.
Wind BladesR: Harden the air around the target into jagged invisible blades.
Wracking Ray: Fire a ray to deal Dexterity and Strength damage.
Wreath of BladesF: Four mithral daggers speed around you, attacking nearby creatures and protecting your spellcasting from attacks of opportunity.


Absorb Rune IIM: As absorb rune I, but affecting a rune up to 5th level
Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage.
Age Resistance: Ignore penalties from old age.
Alaznist's Jinx: Inlfict the spell burn spellblight
Analyze DweomerF: Reveals magical aspects of subject.
Antimagic FieldY: Negates magic within 10 ft.
Baleful Shadow Transmutation: Mutate someone’s shadow and trick the creature into believing they’ve transformed.
Banshee Blast: Cone deals 1d4 per level and panics creatures.
Battlemind LinkY: You and an ally gain attack and AC bonuses.
Bear's Endurance, Mass: As bear's endurance, affects 1 subject/level.
Beast Shape IVY: You take the form of a Diminutive to Huge animal or a Tiny to Large magical beast.
Bleaching ResistanceR: Ability score drain from the Bleaching doesn’t affect your ability score modifiers.
Borrowed TimeY: Take extra swift actions at the cost of Con damage.
Break, GreaterM: Break all nearby objects.
Bull's Strength, Mass: As bull's strength, affects 1 subject/level.
Cat's Grace, Mass: As cat's grace, affects 1 subject/level.
Chain LightningY: 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level.
Chains of FireR: As chain lightning but with fire damage, albeit at a shorter range.
Chains of Light: Hold a creature immobile with glowing chains with the added benefit of preventing the use of any extradimension travel.
Circle of DeathMY: Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.
Claim Identity, GreaterM: Turn a creautre into a mask, which can be used to take on its appearence
Cloak of Dreams: Causes living creatures within 5 ft. to fall asleep.
Cold Ice Strike: Cone of ice slivers deals 1d6 cold/level.
Conjure Black PuddingMY: Summon a black pudding.
Contact NalfeshneeMF:
Contagion, Greater: Infect a subject with a magical disease.
Contagious Flame: Scorching rays cause 4d6 fire damage, then move on to new targets.
ContingencyFY: Sets trigger condition for another spell.
Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Cosmic Ray: Attack a creature with cosmic energy.
Create UndeadM: Create ghasts, ghouls, mohrgs, or mummies.
Cruel Jaunt: Sense creatures suffering from fear, then teleport close to them.
Curse Terrain, GreaterM: Curse an area with six dangerous hazards
Curse, Major: As bestow curse, but harder to remove.
Death Knell Aura, Greater: As death knell aura, except dying creatures die much faster within the aura.
Decapitate: Turn a critical hit into a decapitation.
Delectable FleshR: Make a creature so delicious that all others nearby are consumed by the desire to eat it.
Destroy Robot: Focus electricity on destroying a robot or robot-like creation.
Dimensional Blade: Turn your weapon into a two-dimensional object that can more easily bypass armor.
Discharge, Greater: As discharge, but with greater effects that can effect an area.
DisintegrateY: Reduces one creature or object to dust.
Dispel Magic, Greater: Works as dispel magic, but can affect multiple targets.
Dream Reality: Cause a creature to think it is dreaming
Dream Scan: Read a dreaming creature’s thoughts.
Dust Ward: Ward an item so it will be destroyed if others try to learn its purpose or use it.
Eagle's Splendor, Mass: As eagle's splendor, affects 1 subject/level.
Eldritch Conduit, Greater: Use Eldritch Conduit on more creatures at greater range.
Elemental Assessor: Shoot a ray made up of multiple energies at your enemy.
Elemental Body IIIY: Turns you into a Large elemental.
Emblem of Greed: Transform a melee weapon into a powerful burning glaive like ones wielded by the ancient Runelords.
Enemy HammerY: Allows you to telekinetically use a creature as a weapon.
Energy Siege Shot, Greater: As energy siege shot, but you can affect any size siege engine.
Envious Urge: Targets steal from or disarm others.
Ether Step: Step briefly into the Ethereal Plane to avoid attacks and dangers that would otherwise harm you
Explode Head: Explode the head of a creature with 20 hp or fewer and deal damage in a 10-ft. radius around it.
Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and/or comatose.
Fey Form II: assume the form of a Tiny or Large fey creature
Flash Flood: Wave of water batters and pushes creatures
Flesh to OozeM: Turn someone into an ooze.
Flesh to StoneY: Turns subject creature into statue.
Flesh Wall: Create a wall of zombies
Fluid Form: Gain DR 10/slashing, increases reach 10 ft., and breathe water.
Forceful Hand: Hand pushes creatures away.
Form of the Alien Dragon I: Turns you into a Medium esoteric or outer dragon.
Form of the Dragon IY: Turns you into a Medium dragon.
Form of the Exotic Dragon I: Turns you into a Medium imperial or primal dragon
Fox's Cunning, Mass: As fox's cunning, affects 1 subject/level.
Freezing Sphere: Freezes water or deals cold damage.
Furious Fire Barrage: Conjure balls of flame to throw.
Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, but affects any creature.
Genius Avaricious: Channel the power of Mammon into a single coin.
Getaway: Teleports you and select creatures to predetermined location.
Globe of InvulnerabilityY: As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects.
Guards and WardsY: Array of magic effects protect area.
Hardening: Increase the hardness of materials.
Harrowing, Greater: As harrowing, except affect an entire group of creatures and allow them some measure of control over their destiny.
Hasten Judgment: Quicken a soul's journey to judgement-hampering ressurection or weakening undead foes
Hellfire Ray: Damn creatures to Hell with a blast of pure hellfire.
Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.
Human Potential, Mass: Grant multiple creatures a +2 enhancement bonus to any ability score.
Ice Crystal Teleport: Target is frozen, then teleported.
Illusion of Treachery, Greater: Make it seem like another is responsible for your attacks while concealing your own actions.
Impart MindM: Impart a portion of your intellect and personality into a magical item.
Janni's Jaunt: As plane shift, but only works on willing creatures and only transports to the Inner Planes
Jatembe's Ire: Create evil-seeking tendrils from tall grass and weeds.
Knock, Mass: As knock, but affecting multiple targets
Lash of the Astradaemon: Enhance your hands into fearsome claws that inflict negative levels.
Last Azlanti's Defending SwordF: Create a blade like mage’s sword that focuses more on defense.
Leashed Shackles: Target is restricted to a specific location.
Legend LoreMF: Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
Mage's Decree: Send a message to creatures within miles.
Mind Swap: Switch minds with another creature for 1 hour per level.
Minor Reversion, Mass: As minor reversion, but one creature per level
MisleadY: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Monstrous Physique IVY: As monstrous physique III, with more abilities.
Move EarthY: Digs trenches and builds hills.
Naga Shape IIIR: As naga shape I, with greater abilities
Named Bullet, Greater: As named bullet, but deals 2 points of damage for every caster level.
Night Terrors: Disturb a creature's rest with dark dreams
Oasis: Redirect the flow of water toward a designated point.
Ooze Form II: Assume the form of a Large ooze creature
Owl's Wisdom, Mass: As owl's wisdom, affects 1 subject/level.
Path of the WindsR: Call forth mighty winds to clear a path for you.
Permanent Image: This spell functions like silent image, except that the figment includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal elements, and the spell is permanent. By concentrating, you can move the image within the limits of the range, but it is static while you are not concentrating.
Phantasmal Putrefaction: Trick a creature into thinking their flesh is rotting.
Phobia: Induce an irrational fear in a creature to the point of madness.
Planar Binding: As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
Plant Shape II: Turns you into a Large plant creature.
Programmed ImageM: As major image, plus triggered by event.
Prophetic LoreMF: Prophesize about a person, place, item, or event
Psychic Asylum: Perform a lengthy mental task in a private mindscape.
Redcap's Touch: Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls and heal slightly when you kill a creature
RepulsionF: Creatures can't approach you.
Sabotage Construct: As confusion, but only affects constructs.
Sarzari Shadow MemoryM: Learn information to aid you in assassinating a creature
Serenity: Peaceful feelings harm those attempting violence.
Shadow Enchantment, Greater: As shadow enchantment, except with higher level enchantments.
Shadow Endurance: Conjure protective wisps of darkness made from shadow.
Shadow Transmutation: Alter a creature’s body with energy from the Shadow Plane, altering its form to match a shadow creature.
Shadow Walk: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
Sign of WrathF: Create a giant symbol of wrath to forcibly repulse all nearby creatures.
Sirocco: Hot wind does 4d6 damage, fatigues those damaged, and knocks creatures prone.
Sonic Form: Turn yourself into a creature of semisolid sound.
Spectral SaluqiF: Create a spectral saluqi, an undead canine, that can assist you in fighting spirits.
Spellcrash: Target loses a 5th-level prepared spell or spell slot.
Stone to Flesh: Restores petrified creature.
Suggestion, Mass: As suggestion, affects subject/level.
Summon Flight of EaglesF: Summon giant eagles as mounts or battle companions
Summon Genie, GreaterF: As lesser summon genie, except summon one shaitan, 1d3 djinn, or 1d4+1 jann.
Summon Monster 6: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Vanth: Summon a single vanth psychopomp.
Symbol of DistractionM: Fascinates all creatures within 60 ft.
Symbol of FearM: Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
Symbol of PersuasionM: Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.
Symbol of SealingM: Create triggered wall of force.
Symbol of StormsM: Symbol creates stormwinds and lightning when triggered
Tar Pool: Converts the top layer of the ground into hot tar.
Telepathy: Communicate mentally with creatures within 100 ft.
Teleport StructureM: (Downtime Spell) Teleport a building to a different lot.
Torrent of Elemental Rage: Fire raw elemental energy in a 30 ft. long line.
Transfer Familiar: Temporarily grant control of your familiar to another creature.
Transfiguring TouchM: Transmute a touched object to iron, paper, or wood
TransformationY: You gain combat bonuses.
Treacherous Teleport: As teleport, except you choose some creatures to suffer a mishap or go elsewhere.
Triggered HallucinationM: As scripted hallucination, but it only appears when triggered.
True SeeingM: Lets you see all things as they really are.
Unconscious Agenda: Plant a subconscious directive in the target’s mind.
Undead Anatomy III: Take the form and some of the powers of a Diminutive or Huge undead.
Undeath to DeathFM: Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead (max. 20d4).
Undeath Ward: Create a barrier to repel undead.
Unwilling ShieldM: Subject shares wounds you receive.
Utter Contempt: Target's attitude worsens by two categories.
Veil: Changes appearance of group of creatures.
Vengeful Outrage: Target is compelled to destroy one enemy.
Violent Misfire, Greater: As per violent misfire, but 1 target/level
Wall of IronMY: 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.
Wall of Silver: Wall of energy that only blocks and affects evil creatures and spells
What Grows WithinR: Infect others with Xhamen-Dor’s seeded infestation.
Whip of Ants: Create a whip made of army ants.
Wither Limb: Make one of the creature's limbs useless.


Age Resistance, Greater: Ignore penalties from venerable age.
Antitech Field: Create a field that prevents advanced technology from entering
Arcane CannonFY: Your focus becomes a magical cannon that fires on its own.
Arcane Sight, Greater: As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
Archon's Trumpet: Paralyze all creatures in the area with the sound of a booming trumpet.
Aroden's Magic Army: Imbue all manufactured weapons in range with magic.
Artificer's Curse: Temporarily suppress the most powerful qualities of a magical item.
Awaken ConstructM: Grant a construct humanlike sentience.
Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
Bestow Planar Infusion III: Grants the target the benefits of a greater planar infusion
Bite the Hand, Mass: As Bite the Hand but with multiple creatures.
Caustic Eruption: Burst deals 1d6 acid/level and lingers.
Circle of ClarityF: Emanation hampers illusions and stealth.
Contact Entity IV: Ask extraordinarily powerful eldritch entities to find and converse with you, or they may reply telepathically.
Control Construct: Take control of a construct.
Control Undead: Undead don't attack you while under your command.
Control WeatherY: Changes weather in local area.
Create Demiplane, LesserF: Create your own demiplane.
Create Mindscape, Greater: As create mindscape, but affecting more creatures, having a longer duration, and allowing magic alteration.
Create Variant MummyM: Create a bog mummy, ice mummy, or Osirian tomb guardian.
Crime Wave: Compel targets to commit criminal actions.
Deflection: Attacks that miss are redirected back to the source of the attack.
Delayed Blast Fireball: 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for up to 5 rounds.
Demanding Message, Mass: Send messages as per message with one suggestion for each creature.
Dimensional Bounce: Teleport multiple times between two designated locations.
Dream Council: Communicate with multiple sleeping creatures.
Elemental Body IVY: Turns you into a Huge elemental.
Elemental BombardmentY: Hurl elementals from their respective planes onto your enemies.
Epidemic: Infect a subject with a highly contagious disease.
Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
Expel Blood: Rip out the targets blood, forming it into a fiendish water elemental with blood drain
Expend: Wastes creatures' limited use magical ability.
False Vision, GreaterM: As false vision, but moves with the target.
Fey Form III: Assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge fey creature
Finger of DeathY: Deals 10 damage/level to one subject.
Firebrand: Allies gain flaming weapons, immunity to your fire spells, and a one-use ray of fire attack.
Fly, Mass: One creature/level gains ability to fly.
ForcecageM: Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.
Form of the Alien Dragon II: Turns you into a Large esoteric or outer dragon.
Form of the Dragon IIY: Turns you into a Large dragon.
Form of the Exotic Dragon II: Turns you into a Large imperial or primal dragon
Frost Mammoth: Conjure a Huge mastodon made of ice and snow
Giant Form I: Turns you into a Large giant.
Grasping Hand: Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
Grim Stalker: Create a Grim to disrupt the targets sleep
Hold Person, Mass: As hold person, but all within 30 ft.
Hollow Heroism, Greater: Provide a greater heroism effect that you can reverse at any time
Hostile Juxtaposition, Greater: You may target one creature for every four of your caster levels.
Hunger for Flesh, Mass: Give creatures bite attacks and a hunger for their own kind's flesh.
Hungry Darkness: Create an area of massive darkness filled with unseen chewing teeth and ravenous maws.
Ice Body: Your body becomes living ice.
Inflict Pain, Mass: As inflict pain, but affecting one creature per level.
Infuse Robot: Transform a robot into a magical construct.
Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Insect Spies, Greater: Use magic beetles as spies and also share their senses.
Instant SummonsM: Prepared object appears in your hand.
Inveigle Monster: As inveigle person, but affects any living creature
Invisibility Bubble, Mass: As invisibility bubble, but affecting all creatures within range
Invisibility, Mass: As invisibility, but affects all in range.
Joyful Rapture: Negate harmful emotions.
Ki Shout: Target takes 1d6 sonic/level and is stunned.
Legendary ProportionsM: Increase the target’s size by one category, granting bonuses to Strength, Con, natural armor, damage reduction, and more.
Limited WishMY: Alters reality (within limits).
Lost Legacy: Target cannot leave a lasting impression on other creatures
Lunar Veil: Dispel light and revert lycanthropes.
Maddening OublietteR: Transport the target to a dank prison in a horrific demiplane.
Mage's Magnificent MansionF: Door leads to extradimensional mansion.
Mage's SwordF: Floating magic blade strikes opponents.
Magical Beast Shape: Assume the form of a magical beast
Magnetic Field: Create a spherical magnetic field around yourself to pull metal objects toward you.
Memory of Function: Restore a broken object, drained piece of timeworn technology, or destroyed construct to a functional state.
Mydriatic Spontaneity, Mass: As mydriatic spontaneity, except it can affect multiple creatures.
Object Possession, Greater: As possess object, but the object is more powerful and you can possess a construct.
Ooze Form III: Assume the form of a Huge ooze creature
Particulate Form: Targets gain fast healing 1, immunity to bleed, crtitical hits, and precision damage
Perceive BetrayalF: Sense when nearby creatures have tratorous intent towards your lord
Permanent Hallucination: As scripted hallucination, but permanent.
Phantasmal Revenge: Ghost from corpse hunts killer.
Phase Door: Creates an invisible passage through a barrier.
Plague BearerR: Make the target a carrier of numerous diseases.
Plague Storm: Cloud infects creatures like contagion.
Planar Adaptation, Mass: As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
Planar RefugeM: Enforce the rules of the Material Plane on another plane.
Plane ShiftY: As many as 8 subjects travel to another plane.
Planetary Adaptation, Mass: As planetary adaptation but on a group of creatures.
Plant Shape III: Turns you into a Huge plant.
Plundered PowerM: Kill a creature and steal its strongest spell-like ability
Polymorph, Greater: Gives one willing subject a new, more powerful form.
Power Word BlindY: Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
Pox of Rumors: Curse a creature to attract nasty rumors.
Prismatic SprayY: Rays hit subjects with variety of effects.
Project ImageM: Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
Rampart: Creates 5-ft.-thick earthen barrier.
Recorporeal IncarnationF: Wear the target corpse like a suit, disguising yourself as the deceased
Resonating WordY: Target is damaged, staggered, and stunned.
Retrocognition: Gain psychic impressions from past events in a location.
Reverse GravityY: Objects and creatures fall upward.
Scouring WindsY: Winds block vision and deal 3d6 damage per round.
Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer.
Seeds of Influence, Greater: As seeds of influence, but have a chance to dispel protective magic before it takes effect
Sequester: Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.
Shadow Body: Turn your body into a living shadow.
Shadow Conjuration, Greater: As shadow conjuration, but up to 6th level and 60% real.
Shapechanger's Gift, Greater: Temporarily change a target into an animal, elemental, fey, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or vermin
Signifer's RallyM: Teleport allies to your location.
SimulacrumM: Creates partially real double of a creature.
Soul TransferM: Easily transfer a soul from one receptacle to another, or capture vulnerable souls that aren't bound to mortal flesh.
Spell ScourgeR: Create a whip that can lash spells from the minds of enemy spellcasters.
Spell Turning: Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.
Statue: Subject can become a statue at will.
Steam Ray Fusillade: As scorching ray, but once per round and works underwater
Subjective Reality: Convince yourself that something is an illusion, granting you the ability to ignore its actual presence.
Submerge Ship: Turn a ship into a submarine.
Summon Monster 7: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Symbol of StunningM: Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures.
Symbol of WeaknessM: Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures.
Teleport Object: As teleport, but affects a touched object.
Teleport TrapM: Create a trap that redirects teleport attempts into an area of your choosing.
Teleport, Greater: As teleport, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.
Temporal DivergenceM: Take two distinct actions, learn the results, than choose one to take effect
Temporary ResurrectionM: Bring a creature to life for 24 hours.
TerraformM: Expend mythic power to alter the immediate area’s climate and terrain.
Umbral Strike: Throw a bolt of dark energy, dealing cold and negative energy damage.
VisionMF: As legend lore, but quicker.
Vortex: Creates a whirlpool in water.
Walk through SpaceY: You can spend a move action to teleport 30 feet or to stand while prone without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Waves of Ecstasy: Pleasure stuns and staggers creatures.
Waves of Exhaustion: Several targets become exhausted.
Word of Beckoning: As sending, but the target gets the ability to teleport to your side if they desire


Angelic Aspect, Greater: As angelic aspect, lesser except granting the greatest qualities of angelic creatures.
Antipathy: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
Bestow Curse, Greater: Place an even greater curse on the subject.
BindingM: Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature.
Call ConstructM: Summon your construct to you.
Charm Monster, Mass: As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
Clenched Fist: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes.
CloneMF: Duplicate awakens when original dies.
Create DemiplaneF: As lesser create demiplane, but larger and with planar traits.
Create Greater UndeadM: Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers.
Curse of NightF: Curse an area with eternal night
Curse Terrain, SupremeM: Curse an area with seven deadly hazards
Death Clutch: Rip out someone's heart
Demand: As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
Dimensional LockY: Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for 1 day/level.
Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature or object.
EntombM: Turn a location into a secure, underground vault
Euphoric Tranquility: Makes a creature friendly.
Fey Gate: Create a portal that allows travel to the First World
Fleeting Memory, Mass: As fleeting memory, except that it affects multiple creatures.
Form of the Alien Dragon III: Turns you into a Huge esoteric or outer dragon.
Form of the Dragon IIIY: Turns you into a Huge dragon.
Form of the Exotic Dragon III: Turns you into a Huge imperial or primal dragon.
Frightful Aspect: You take on a terrifying, Large-sized form of yourself and emit an aura that causes creatures to become shaken or frightened.
Giant Form II: Turns you into a Huge giant.
Heart of the Mammoth: Imbue a creature with the strength and toughness of the greatest megafauna of the tundra.
Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 6d6 fire damage/round.
Instant Summons, GreaterM: As instant summons, but for multiple objects and creatures.
Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron.
Irresistible DanceY: Forces subject to dance.
Life of Crime: Permanently turn someone into a crazed criminal.
Maw of Chaos: Create a destructive and chaotic rip in reality.
MazeY: Traps subject in extradimensional maze.
Mind Blank: Subject is protected from mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Moment of Prescience: You gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
Orb of the VoidMY: Sphere inflicts negative levels.
Phasic Challenge: Enemy and ally can only harm and be harmed by each other
Planar Binding, Greater: As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
Polar RayY: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage and 1d4 points of Dexterity drain.
Polymorph Any Object: Changes a subject into anything else.
Possession, Greater: As possession, but your body vanishes.
Power Word StunY: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
Prediction of Failure: Target is permanently shaken and sickened, and may gain a spellblight.
Prismatic Wall: Wall's colors have array of effects.
Protection from SpellsMF: Confers +8 resistance bonus.
Prying Eyes, Greater: As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing.
Quintessence MasteryF: Exercise limited control over the quintessence of an Outer Plane, creating or shaping terrain
Rain of ArrowsM: Conjure a cloud of magical arrows.
Rift of Ruin: Create a rift filled with demons that extends into the Abyss.
Scintillating Pattern: Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious.
Screen: Illusion hides area from vision and scrying.
Seamantle: Sheathes you in protective water.
Secret Vault: As secret chest, except it affects a small structure, vault, or oversized chest.
Shadow Evocation, Greater: As shadow evocation, but up to 7th level and 60% real.
Shout, Greater: Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures.
SoulreaverY: Deal 1d6 damage/level to living creatures in a 20-ft. radius area.
Spell Absorption, Greater: Use Spell Absorption with higher level spells.
Spellcrash, Greater: Target loses a 7th-level prepared spell or spell slot.
Spellscar: Cause spells cast within an area to trigger primal magic effects.
Stormbolts: 1d8 damage/level (max 20d8) to targets.
Summon Erodaemon: Summon an erodaemon.
Summon Meladaemon: Summon a meladaemon.
Summon Monster 8: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage.
Symbol of DeathM: Triggered rune kills nearby creatures.
Symbol of DebaucheryM: Conjure a symbol that makes all who see it lust for each other.
Symbol of DispellingM: Dispel all magical effects within range of this symbol.
Symbol of InsanityM: Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane.
SympathyM: Object or location attracts certain creatures.
Telekinetic Sphere: As resilient sphere, but you move the sphere telekinetically.
Temporal RegressionF: Set a beacon in time that you can rewind to
Temporal StasisM: Puts subject into suspended animation.
Tomb Legion: Summon 1d4+2 advanced mummies.
Trap the SoulM: Imprisons subject within gem.
Umbral Infusion, Mass: As umbral infusion, except it can affect multiple mindless undead creatures.
Uncanny Reminder: Summon a replica of the target that attempts to kill them
Undead Anatomy IV: As undead anatomy III, but with more abilities.
Wall of Lava: Wall damages foes that try to enter, periodically launches lava at nearby targets.
Wandering Weather: Control weather in a large area that moves with you


Absorb Rune IIIM: As absorb rune I, but affecting a rune up to 8th level
Aroden's SpellbaneFY: Create an area to completely block out spells of your choosing.
AscensionMY: Imbue creatures with mythic power.
Astral ProjectionM: Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
Bilocation: Exist in two places at once.
Canopic ConversionFM: Eviscerate a target, creating an advanced mummy from its life essence.
Clashing Rocks: 20d6 damage to target creature.
Create Demiplane, GreaterF: As create demiplane, but larger and with more planar traits.
Crushing Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.
Curse of Fell SeasonsF: Curse an area's weather
Cursed EarthM: Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or dead creatures rise as zombies.
Dominate Monster: As dominate person, but any creature.
Echean's Excellent EnclosureM: Create a combination spherical wall of force and antimagic field.
Energy Drain: Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.
Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Fey Form IV: Assume the form of a powerful fey creature
Fiery Body: You gain various fire-related powers.
ForesightY: “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Freedom: Releases creature from imprisonment.
Gate: Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
Heroic Invocation: Grants a number of creatures bonuses on attacks and damage, temporary hit points, and immunity to fear and charm effects.
Hold Monster, Mass: As hold monster, but all within 30 ft.
Icy Prison, Mass: As icy prison, but it affects 1 creature/level.
Impenetrable VeilM: Target can use stealth to hide from blindsight and blindsense as well as divination magic
Imprisonment: Entombs subject beneath the earth.
Interplanetary Teleport: Teleport to another planet.
Last Azlanti's Defending Sword, MassF: As Aroden’s defending sword, but with multiple swords
Lost LocaleR: As lost passage, except covering a much larger area.
Mage's DisjunctionY: Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.
Massacre: Slaughter creatures in a line
Maze of Madness and SufferingM: Send a target into a dangerous extradimensional maze.
Meteor SwarmY: Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.
Mind Blank, Communal: As mind blank, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Overwhelming Presence: Creatures bow before you as if you were divine.
Parasitic SoulF: Force a trapped soul into a new body.
Power Word KillY: Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Prismatic SphereY: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
RefugeM: Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
Resplendent MansionF: Conjure an opulent mansion several stories tall.
Ride the Lightning: Transform into electricity.
Rune of JandelayM: Create a potent rune that evokes the mighty Oliphant of Jandelay, warding the area against chaos and destruction.
Salvage: Pull together the remains of a shipwreck and reform it into a working vessel.
Scourge of the Horsemen: Blast an area with soul-rending energy, dealing 1d4 negative levels and 1d6 acid/level.
Scribe's BindingF: Turn a creature into a biography of their life.
Shades: As shadow conjuration, but up to 8th level and 80% real.
Shadow Transmutation, Greater: As shadow transmutation, but it mimics greater polymorph instead of polymorph.
ShapechangeF: Transforms you into certain creatures, and you can change forms once per round.
Soul Bind: Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection.
Spawn CallingRY: Call the Spawn of Rovagug.
Suffocation, Mass: One creature/level suffocates to death.
Summon Derghodaemon: Summon a derghodaemon.
Summon Greater Demon: As summon monster, except to summon a coloxus, omox demon, or 1d3 kalavakus demons.
Summon Monster 9: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Thanadaemon: Summon a thanadaemon.
Symbol of StrifeM: Triggered rune makes creatures attack.
Symbol of VulnerabilityM: Triggered rune gives penalties.
Teleportation CircleM: Teleports creatures inside circle.
Time StopY: You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.
Transmute Blood To AcidM: Target takes acid damage each round, and its attackers take acid damage.
Transmute Golem: Turn one type of golem into another.
TsunamiY: Huge wave damages and sweeps up all in its path.
Wail of the Banshee: Deals 10 damage/level to 1 creature/level.
Wall of SuppressionM: Creates wall that disables magic.
Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.
Winds of Vengeance: Gives you the ability to fly and attack with wind.
WishMY: As limited wish, but with fewer limits.
Wooden Phalanx: Creates 1d4+2 temporary wood golems to fight for you.
World Wave: Earth moves you across distances.
Yellow SignMR: Use this symbol to subject all who view it to the will of Hastur.