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Sorcerer Class Details | Bloodlines | Bloodline Mutations | Wildblooded | Archetypes

Nine-Tailed Heir

Source Blood of the Beast pg. 13
Tian stories often tell of kitsune with multiple tails, but not many realize that fewer than one kitsune in every thousand has this potential, and those that do usually have a magical quirk in their blood or have been blessed by their race’s deific matron, Daikitsu. As a result, most that harness the mystic powers of their newfound tails often gain sorcerous powers, becoming nine-tailed heirs.

This archetype is available only to kitsune characters.

Magical Tail: At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a ninetailed heir gains Magical TailARG as a bonus feat. If the nine-tailed heir already has nine tails, each additional time the feat is taken, the sorcerer gains one additional daily use of the lowest level Magical Tail ability not already affected by this effect.

This ability replaces the bloodline spell class feature.