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Words of Power

Meta Words

Source Ultimate Magic pg. 188
These words specifically modify other word elements. Meta words use the following format.

Name: This is the name of the meta word.

Level: This line lists the minimum level of a wordspell that can contain this meta word. Spells of a lower level cannot use this meta word.

Wordspell Boost

Level 0

This meta word allows an effect or target word to use its boosted description. Some boosted descriptions increase the level of the effect word or target word, and can only be used if the wordspell is of a high enough level to accommodate the new level. If a word has more than one boosted description, the caster can choose which to use (but never more than one per word). This meta word can be applied to a spell multiple times—once to the target word and once for each effect word.


Level 1

A wordspell with this meta word does not require a somatic component.


Level 0

This word increases a wordspell’s range, as determined by its target word. If the word has a close range, it increases to medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). If the word has a medium range, it increases to long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level). This word has no effect on target words with a range other than close or medium.


Level 5

Targets of a wordspell with this meta word must roll their saving throws twice and take the worse result. This meta word increases the level of all the effect words in the wordspell that allow a saving throw by two levels.


Level 0

A wordspell with this meta word doubles its duration. This meta word has no affect on effect words with a duration of instantaneous. The effect of this word does not stack with the effect of the Extend Spell feat.


Level 4

This word changes the saving throw type of certain effect words used in this spell. If the effect word requires a Will saving throw, it instead requires a Fortitude saving throw. This change does not affect whether or not a successful save negates the effect, reduces it, or has some other effect; it simply alters the type of saving throw required.

Mind Warp

Level 4

This word changes the saving throw type of certain effect words used in this spell. If the effect word requires a Fortitude saving throw, it instead requires a Will saving throw. This change does not affect whether or not a successful save negates the effect, reduces it, or has some other effect; it simply alters the type of saving throw required.


Level 5

The caster of a wordspell containing this meta word can roll twice to overcome any spell resistance the targets might possess, taking the better result. This meta word increases the level of all of the effect words in the spell that allow for spell resistance by one level. It can modify a target word or an effect word.


Level 1

A wordspell with this meta word does not require a verbal component. This meta word can modify a target word or an effect word.


Level 1

A wordspell with this meta word does not require a material component. This meta word can modify a target word or an effect word.