Deities by Alignment | Deities by Pantheon


The Razor Princess

Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 320
Pathfinder Wiki Andirifkhu


Alignment CE
Pantheon Demon Lords
Other Pantheons Kobold Deities
Areas of Concern Knives, illusions, traps
Domains Chaos, Evil, Luck, Trickery
Subdomains Curse, Deception, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Thievery
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Kukri
Symbol Skull pierced by six blades
Sacred Animal(s) Spider
Sacred Color(s) Green, red


Torture a living creature that is smaller than your size category on a mechanical device that utilizes blades or spikes, or torture a bound creature of any size with a knife. The creature must remain alive for the duration, and must die within 1 minute of the obedience’s end. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against illusions and a +4 profane bonus to AC against traps that inflict slashing damage.

Boons - Demonic Obedience


Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 10
1: Sadist's Trick (Sp) magic weapon 3/day, phantom trap 2/day, or snare 1/day
2: Deeper Cuts (Ex) When you damage a creature with a slashing weapon or effect that deals slashing damage, at your discretion you may add a bleed 5 effect to the target.
3: Anfirifkhu's Kiss (Sp) Empowered blade barrier 1/day (you are immune to the effects of this blade barrier).

Boons - Fiendish Obedience


Source Book of the Damned pg. 16
1: Alter Perception (Sp) silent image 3/day, mirror image 2/day, or invisibility sphere 1/day
2: Subtle Razor (Ex) You gain sneak attack +2d6; this stacks with any sneak attack damage you can already deal from class levels and other sources. In addition, whenever you deal sneak attack damage, you can have all damage dealt by the attack become nonlethal damage. If you deal nonlethal damage this way to a creature that is unaware of your presence, the creature is unaware it has been attacked or has taken damage (instead experiencing a sense of unexplained weariness or weakness).
3: Unreal Legion (Su) Once per day, you can create three illusory copies of yourself. These copies are semireal; each uses your saving throws, has an Armor Class equal to your touch AC, and has hit points equal to one-quarter your maximum hit points. The copies move as you mentally direct them (a free action) and can be instructed to attack, although they always miss (the copies can provide flanking, however). When you cast a spell or use an ability, you can have the copies appear to cast that spell or use that ability simultaneously; if the effect has an obvious point of origin, you can have it appear to originate from all copies simultaneously. As an immediate action, you can switch places with one of the copies. If a copy is ever more than 60 feet from you, leaves your line of sight, or is reduced to 0 hit points, it immediately ceases to exist; otherwise, the copies last 24 hours or until you use this ability again, whichever comes first.


Source Book of the Damned pg. 16
1: Sadist’s Trick (Sp) magic weapon 3/day, phantom trap 2/day, or snare 1/day
2: Deeper Cuts (Ex) When you damage a creature with a slashing weapon or an effect that deals slashing damage, you can also deal 5 points of bleed damage.
3: Andirifkhu’s Kiss (Sp) Once per day, you can cast empowered blade barrier as a spell-like ability. You are immune to the effects of this blade barrier.


Source Book of the Damned pg. 16
1: Princess’s Blade (Sp) unerring weapon 3/day, spiritual weapon 2/day, or twilight knife 1/day
2: One of Ten Thousand Deaths (Sp) You can summon the murderous creations of Andirifkhu’s realm to the mortal world. Three times per day as a full-round action, you can conjure a trap into being in a square or squares within 30 feet. The trap must have a CR equal to or less than half your Hit Dice, and the environment must be able to support it (for example, a falling block trap must have a ceiling to fall from). The appropriate triggers for the trap, such as pressure plates or divination spells, are added to the environment in the fashion of your choosing. A trap conjured this way vanishes after 24 hours, when it is disabled, or after it is triggered and its effects have been resolved.
3: Killing Machine (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, you can transform yourself into a trap. The trap must have a CR equal to or less than your total Hit Dice (maximum CR 20), and the environment must be able to support your new form. When your trap form is triggered, or when a creature attempts to disable your trap form, you can instantaneously return to your normal form (appearing in the square or squares targeted by your trap form). This occurs after the trap has finished triggering and its effects are resolved (if appropriate), and it causes a surprise round in which only you and those who were aware of your true nature may act. This transformation otherwise lasts for 24 hours or until you dismiss it as a full-round action. This is a polymorph effect.

For Followers of Andirifkhu


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